Subject: ~This natural pill changed her life...

At 50 years young, Teresa emailed me to share how joint pain had stolen her
quality of life.

The pain was so intense that it forced Teresa to
skip going on adventures with her family.

“I have had problems with my knee and ankle for the last 5 years,” she

“It started with my heel. Every time I tried to walk, there was
excruciating pain. After about a year of this, I finally went to a doctor
and was diagnosed with a heel spur.”

A heel spur is a painful condition that creates a jabbing sensation on or
under the heel bone. Technically, it’s a calcium deposit that creates a
bony protrusion on the underside of the heel bone.

Like a half-inch rock being lodged in your heel, it hurts like hell to

According to WebMD, heel spurs “are frequently associated with plantar
fasciitis, a painful inflammation of the fibrous band of connective tissue
(plantar fascia) that runs along the bottom of the foot and connects the
heel bone to the ball of the foot.”

Ugh…my foot hurts just reading that.

Following doctor’s orders, Teresa found things getting worse:

“My doctor suggested that I wear heels as much as possible and I could
get rid of it naturally. I did just that and it worked!! Unfortunately,
from walking around so long with the heel pain, I now had knee and ankle
pain, which was even worse than the heel pain.”

Omg!…what kind of doctor recommends “wearing heels” to cure pain?!
Was that Dr. Oz?

“It has been several years that I have not been able to walk properly. I
have not been able to wear tennis shoes for more than 2 days in a row,
otherwise I can’t walk the next day. It had become unbearable. I
couldn’t even walk across the room without wanting to cry,” says

Sadly, many people are experiencing that same level of pain, or worse, on a
daily basis. Their strategy is to just tolerate it.

Teresa knew she had to free herself from pain, or else be a slave to its
grips forever. She came across The People’s Chemist, and my
legendary Joint FX [ ].

[Applause..] LOL

Joint FX is my natural joint formula, famous for causing joint pain to
vanish. How does it work? Simple. It contains natural ingredients that work
to eliminate joint pain fast. Like pouring water over gasoline, you’ll
find joint pain simply disappearing.

“I’ve been following the People’s Chemist for a while now, and have
read up on Joint FX. I finally decided to try it,” says Teresa.

“I’ve been taking 1 capsule a day for 2 weeks now…and from the very
first pill, I have not had any pain in either my knee or ankle!! I can wear
any shoes I want, and still no pain!!”

Amazing! Way to go, Teresa! Way to live young!

Not only does Joint FX eradicate pain…but when taken consistently for 6
months or longer, this product actually rebuilds and replenishes the
cartilage between the joints.

(Read what Joint FX can do for you at

Due to wear and tear, normal aging, and intense physical activities, many
adults “wear down” the cartilage in their joints…resulting in mild to
extreme joint pain.

The ROOT CAUSE of joint pain is usually a lack of sufficient cartilage in
the joints. Cartilage is the soft, squishy material that acts as a
“cushion” between joints. When bones lose their cushion (cartilage),
friction occurs — and joints become swollen. This causes pain.

Wearing high heels won’t solve the root cause of joint pain… and
neither will surgery or injecting yourself with painful shots.

Joint FX is the ONLY smart solution for aching joints. I designed it
specifically to address the root cause of joint pain — i.e., a lack of

Joint FX provides the necessary nutrients — glucosamine sulfate & MSM —
to head off long-term pain and suffering. Together these nutrients help
regenerate the cartilage cushion that has deteriorated between the bones.
Once the cartilage has been regenerated, it aids in preventing the friction
that causes pain in the first place.

Try and see for yourself.

“Finding this product has changed my life. I missed out on a lot of
adventures with my grandson, friends, and family because I just couldn’t
walk around for more than 10 minutes at a time,” says Teresa.

“Now I don’t pass up these opportunities and life is GREAT. Thank you,
Shane, for all you do to help us dare to LIVE young!”

Nice. Way to go, Teresa! She snapped the pic above and told me, “This
photo was taken after walking around Vegas for 4 days, thanks to Joint FX
and The People’s Chemist. Thank you again!!”

She went from being barely able to walk “without wanting to cry” — to
walking around a busy city for 4 days, pain-free. Amazing!

…It was all thanks to Joint FX, my natural joint formula. (No side
effects, no dangers, no risks. Plus, it’s better and faster than
glucosamine or chondroitin alone!)

Stop tolerating joint pain. Start doing the things you love to do again,

Use, and watch pain vanish into thin air.

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Life is a beautiful gift that was meant to be treasured and enjoyed
fully. But you can’t enjoy life when you’re constantly suffering from
joint pain. Whether it’s back pain… knee pain… wrist pain… shoulder
pain… heel spurs… or other joint problems… take a stand against pain.

Use and get your life back.