Subject: ~This is a Vita-Ray for Your Immune System!


As a drug chemist, I used to fear going to work in the lab. I risked numerous
health hazards—like being exposed to cancer-causing reagents or volatile
inhalants that pulled the air from your lungs.

I naively assumed that these were necessary risks for making so-called
lifesaving drugs.

I was wrong.

Outside of emergency medicine, prescription drugs can be just as deadly as
the reagents used to make them. Commonly used antibiotics and vaccines are
a perfect example.

Some argue that this arsenal of anti- infectious agents is a cure.

This is almost true.

They make us feel better and can even save us from the perils of death in
an emergency. But using them outside of that puts us at risk for severe
side effects while enabling stronger and deadlier infectious agents—superbugs
like flesh- eating, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

Antibiotics aren’t your first line of defense against illness!

If you want to beat the flu, strep throat, viral infection and a myriad of skin
diseases, then you want to boost your immune system!

And you don't do that with ascorbic acid (AKA vitamin C), vitamin D pills
or silly things like gummy vitamins and Emergen-C!

For thousands of years, the Chinese have been using a little-known botanical
to serve as a go-to for total immune protection.

Using this Chinese weapon is like exposing your body to a Vita-Ray.

I've seen it work wonders...and you can use it daily!

...and that's regardless of whatever else you might be taking!

If you want massive protection from illness, then you need to read my
short fact sheet and stock up at

Don't email me when it's too late - when you're already sick!

Get your immunity shield at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. This product has been a top seller for 9 years! And I've NEVER
offered a discount on it. Not once! So please do not email asking for a coupon
code. This immunity shield is rare, hard to make and not cheap! But it works!