Subject: This increases cancer 25%

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Common Blood Pressure Meds Increase Cancer 25%

We’ll never have a cure to cancer if we don’t identify the

I’m surprised at how many people miss this.

What good is a cancer cure if you’re still exposing yourself to
the cause?

Cancer isn’t the elusive illness that it was two decades ago.

In Over-The-Counter Natural Cures I showed how the biological
superpower behaves and why it’s so deadly. From it’s early
beginning as a twisted portion of DNA, to its growth as rogue
tumor disrupting organ function, I taught that by feeding our
body key nutrients, the immune system mounts a deadly attack. But
if we keep tossing cancer-causing substances down our throat, our
innate defense mechanisms eventually throw in the towel.

The medical community refuses to act according to this logic -
what I termed nutrient logic. This is best illustrated by the
rampant use of blood pressure meds.

A recent study by UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute
reviewed 60,000 patients.

What they found was mind blowing.

"We have found the risk of new cancers was increased with these
medications [blood pressure drugs] by 8-11 percent," said Dr.
Ilke Sipahi, associate director of heart failure and
transplantation and assistant professor at Case Western Reserve
University School of Medicine. "Most importantly, risk of lung
cancer was increased by 25 percent."

We all have friends and family who take these meds as an attempt
to increase lifespan. But the fact is, they’re trading low
blood pressure for a potential cancer diagnosis. If these meds
were the only option, it might make sense. But it’s not.

You have 100,000 miles of veins, arteries and capillaries -
that’s the same distance from Los Angeles to New York and back,
twice! The heart provides the energy to push oxygen and
nutrients throughout this vast network.

When blood pressure rises, it can mean that there’s a road
block somewhere in the system...Or it might just mean you’re
having a killer workout or a damn good time in Vegas. Either
way, you want to make sure your cardiovascular system is well
equipped to handle the pressure.

To make that happen, we need the following:
A strong heart
Clot free blood
Arteries that can open to accommodate for increased blood flow

Blood pressure meds actually work against all three of these!

Yes, blood pressure meds “lower” your blood pressure numbers.
But their benefit is illusory because they are damaging your
body as a means of lowering your blood pressure numbers.

Two Ways Blood Pressure Meds Weaken Your Body

- They work directly on the heart to weaken contractions. That
releases pressure, but disrupts distribution of much needed
oxygen and nutrients, which is why heart failure is a well-known

- They work directly on muscles surrounding portions of the
cardiovascular system to lower the mechanical stress. That
releases pressure too, but disrupts muscle function and growth,
leading to atrophy and weight gain, which is why weight gain is a
side effect.

At the same time, users risk cancer because the meds attack our
genetic map, DNA.

You don’t have to ruin your health in an attempt to live
healthier, longer!

Nature has answers. That’s why I designed CardioFX - an all
natural blood pressure regulating supplement that strengthens
your body.

If every cardiologist in America recommended this lifesaving
heart tonic, nobody would be using blood pressure meds because it
lower blood pressure in minutes, and that is verifiable! But
that’s not all. When used twice daily it can relieve or



Deadly blood clots and even congestive heart failure

And it does it all without the cancer risk!

I didn’t become “The People’s Chemist” so I could design,
produce and promote limp cures. I did it so people could have
real choices, that offered measurable results. CardioFX does
just that. See the report here: