Subject: This crushed her allergies and asthma, naturally!

Immunity Cure Crushes Allergies and Asthma, Gives Woman Her Life Back

Stop and think for a moment what it would be like if you suddenly found yourself unable to breathe from allergies, asthma or both!

That’s exactly what happened to Jill from Maryland.

Instead of finding the cause, doctors gave her drugs, drugs and more drugs. Once she found my “immunity cure,” something amazing happened.

(Fortunately, she didnt waste time with stuff like "vitamin C and D or the sugary, synthetic garbage known as Emergen-C!)

Doctors Created Asthma in Jill’s Body Out of Thin Air!

“I am 64 years young,” says Jill. “My first experience with fall allergies was when I was pregnant with my first child at 23. Until the first frost every year, I was miserable with bad allergy symptoms that always ended in a continuous sinus infection.”

“In the last ten years, my sinus infections changed to asthma,” says Jill. “This was a whole new ball game. When you can't breathe, it’s a bit scary. So again, I listened to the doctors and did what they prescribed. DRUGS!”

Jill went from handfuls of antibiotics to asthma medications...Still, nobody sought out “WHY?”!

Will There Ever Be Sanity in the Medical Profession?

Stories like this infuriate me. The cure is in knowing the cause, not drugs...

According to WebMD, 1 in 5 people in the U.S. have either allergy or asthma symptoms. That’s a whole lot of people who have trouble breathing, or who react badly to various substances (whether it’s food, pollen, or animal hair.)

Too many think the solution is to swallow prescription meds or an over-the-counter allergy pill.

That’s what they’ve programmed you to think!

A Nasty Invitation to Get Sick, Courtesy of Over-the-Counter Allergy Drug Companies

The drug industry has provided consumers with an endless buffet of pills, inhalers, nasal sprays, liquids, eye drops, skin creams, and shots (injections) that are purported to relieve allergy symptoms.

These drugs are 100% legal and 100% risky.

Almost all allergy meds can make you drowsy and “too relaxed.” They can blur your vision and slow down your reaction times. And when taken in excess, yes – they can get you high. Or they can kill you.

Side effects range from dizziness, drowsiness and fatigue – to headache, nasal burning, nosebleed, nausea, runny nose, sore throat, and sneezing.

While some of them may temporarily relieve allergy SYMPTOMS, they never address the root cause of what’s creating the allergy in the first place.

Asthma Meds are More Dangerous than Asthma!

When allergy meds don’t fix you, asthma can be next, as was the case for Jill.

Asthma drugs kill more people than asthma! Popular asthma drugs Symbicort, Advair Diskus, Serevent Diskus, Dulera and Foradil actually warn people on their labels that there’s an increased “risk of death from asthma problems” if you swallow these pills.

These drugs are suicide. Yes, in emergency they are lifesaving, but daily use is not without negative outcomes.

Researchers from Cornell and Stanford universities discovered that common asthma inhalers were responsible for up to 80% of asthma-related deaths.

If you think this is insanity, congratulations – you’re one of the few who are paying attention.

The People’s Chemist Fixes Yet Another Pharmaceutical Industry Screw-Up!

Jill, like so many with allergies and/or asthma, was suffering from poor immune function! When the immune system is weak, it cannot respond to "foreigners." Therefore, an inflammatory storm is ignited that manifests into allergies or asthama. Immune FX BOOSTS immune function to stop this deadly biological thunderstorm.

Once Jill started taking Immune FX, everything changed for the better.

Immune FX has been nothing short of a miracle,” says Jill. “Right away I saw a difference. Within a few days, I could go outside and not start to wheeze. I am taking no drugs and have had no more breathing treatments. The difference is night and day. I feel great!”

“I just wanted to express my sincere thanks to my sister who found Immune FX for me, Elizabeth, and The People’s Chemist for giving me a healthier fall,” she said in an email. “Despite my asthma, I made it through the fall without suffering, thanks to Immune FX! Immune FX will be my go-to supplement every fall. I’m anxious to see what other products Shane has that I will fall in love with.”

Immune FX is a natural supplement I created to help people breathe better, bullet-proof their immune system, and be free of antibiotics forever.

Do You Want Clear Sinuses, or Asthma-Caused-by-Drugs?

Imagine if everyone walked around with a super-healthy immune system that didn’t go haywire during the fall or spring. All those scammy allergy drug companies would drop like flies and go out of business!

Doesn’t Jill’s story make you want to take a deep breath and treasure your ability to breathe?

Personally, I’m grateful to have clear sinuses. I love being able to breathe without going through boxes and boxes of tissue. I love being FREE from clogged-up nostrils.

You can bet Jill loves it, too.

Get Immune FX, and Forget Your Allergies Ever Existed

If allergies are compromising your ability to breathe or function in any way, shape, or form, then you need Immune FX.

Don’t be a victim of prescriptions doled out by lazy-thinking, myopic doctors who don’t know any better.

Arm yourself with Immune FX! Always be sure it’s close by. Get it in your medicine cabinet!

Protect your ability to breathe. Get rid of allergies. Feel lighter and freer, with clear sinuses – by using Immune FX.

Remember, breathing is a vital activity that we usually don’t care about until it’s threatened. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Say no to dangerous allergy meds and say “yes” to Immune FX.

Save 15% when you buy the 3-pack at

Don't let poor immune function hold you back from enjoying the holiday season!

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist