Subject: ~This "Vitamin D" will kill you


It's always been amazing to me how complicit people are in swallowing
pills...And I'm not talking about just prescription drugs.

As soon as an acupuncturist, chiropractor or nutritionist starts
recommending "vitamins," people are eager to start gulping them

Enter "vitamin D."

Vitamin D has now become a badge of honor for health professionals...just
saying it makes them feel part of the cool club. As if they were indoctrinated
into a new school of thought that somehow helps people live young.


Where I come from, the cool club went to chemistry class, got
straight A's, read books in the library and married the ultra-hottie...
well, at least I did, LOL.

And when you do that, it's very clear that vitamin D pills are poison.

Specifically, they cause excessive calcium in the blood resulting in
mineralization of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, liver, blood
vessels, and heart tissue.

The Vitamin D Council and Dr. Holick are behind the push for vitamin D.

Guess what. They're lobbyists for the chemical industry. They are pushing
the chemical as a vitamin for profits.

Did your wanna-be health guru tell you that when they suggested
vitamin D?

The only natural sources of vitamin D are sunlight and certain foods
like cod liver oil, salmon, tuna, mackerel, and eggs. A plant or
animal must first predigest it into nanoparticles and co-factors before
humans can use it safely from these natural sources.

What the chemical industry calls vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is made from
irradiated sheep's wool. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol the favorite of vegans) is
derived from irradiated fungus and is especially toxic if you are taking any
quantity at all.

Both are chemicals not vitamins.

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), also known in the chemical industry as
toxiferol, has a Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registration number of
67-97-0, and a chemical formula: C27H44O. Here is link to Sigma-Aldrich
chemical company Safety Data Sheet which lists it as a toxin not to be

Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) has a Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
registration number of 50-14-6, and a chemical formula: C28H44O. The
following Safety Data sheet from also lists it as a
hazardous chemical which is toxic to ingest:

The vitamin industry buys these chemicals from companies like Parchem and
Sigma-Aldrich (using the CAS reference numbers to order), puts them into a
bottle, and calls them natural vitamins. Nothing could be any further from
the truth. They are toxins, all of them.

By the way, vitamin D3 is commonly used as a rodenticide to kill rats. The
rodent control industry orders it from the same chemical companies that the
supplement industry does. Cats and dogs have died from eating vitamin D
supplements as any veterinarian will tell you. If you don't believe that
the same vitamin D that is in our milk and our supplements is the same used
as rat poison, check out the following links:

Here is Data Safety sheet on Quintox brand rat poison showing vitamin D3
(cholecalciferol) as the active ingredient that kills rats:

Want to learn more about how to avoid vitamins that will kill you?

Read Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Watch out for cod liver oils, too! They are processing the shit out of
these products and adding BACK synthetic vitamin D! Hell, the Weston Price
Foundation suggests NOW FOODS as a "good brand for cod liver oil," yet
my lab tests showed conclusively that it was made with toxic imposters!
Wow, thanks Weston Price Foundation! See the blog at