Subject: This Sale Ends in 6 Hours!


Just a short courtesy email to let you know that my Joint FX sale ends in
about 6 hours. This has been one of my top sellers for over 8 years!

By activating healing hormones, naturally, it’s the definitive
replacement to Tylenol, Celebrex, Ibuprofen and many other drugs used in
the fight against aging joints.

Just ask Patricia!

"My knees were very bad," she writes. "When I bent them, I could feel the
bone grinding on bone."

"I've been to several doctors who spent less than 10 minutes diagnosing me
and immediately suggested lots of medications or surgeries. I don't know
about you, but I'd better get more than 10 minutes of someone's time before
they wanna start carving me up."

It's amazing how quickly people will go under the knife, not even
questioning the insanity of that method.

Fortunately, Patricia sought out a solution that didn't involved getting
chopped up.

Patricia Discovers The People's Chemist – AKA "Savior of Bad Knees"

"I read A LOT, and have seen enough information about the dangers of
blindly taking many medications to make me very suspicious of who benefits
(financially) and who suffers," she says.

"I started ordering your Joint FX and found that it really does rebuild the
joints," she says. "My knees were very bad at one point and I was not sure
if there was any alternative but that is not necessary."

"Once I started using Joint FX, I noticed my knees didn't hurt as much
daily and ached a lot less when it was rainy and damp. The pain slowly
lifted and now my knees rarely give my any pain."

"I turn 53 years old in April," she says. "Everyone I know in my age range
has sore joints – meanwhile, I'm feeling pretty good these days."

Struggling just to bend your knees because they hurt so bad is no way to go
through life.

Living young is where you can do pretty much whatever the hell you want
with your knees, and feel no pain.

"I am glad to say THANK YOU, Shane, for speaking out and for the
no-nonsense way in which you tell the truth!" says Patricia.

"When you find a product that you hope works, and you pay some decent money
to try it out and it really does work, you build a trust with that company
and their standards for quality. That is very important to me. I have built
that trust with the products from The People's Chemist and share them with
anyone who will listen. Thank you again and you will keep seeing continuous
orders from me.”

Stock up now and save 20%:

Short Link:

(Offer ends in 6 hours)

Dare to Live Young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Why is Joint FX so effective? Because it forces your body to produce
it’s own set of unique, healing hormones! Think of the runner’s high.
Run to the top of the hill, experience a rush of endorphins. Similarly,
your body produces healing hormones when exposed to the natural compounds
in Joint FX. Put it to work today and save 20% (Offer ends in 6 hours)