Subject: ~This Rare Infection Stopped with Immune FX!

People take their health for granted. It's only when a problem comes up that we ever really think about it.

This is especially true for TEETH. No one ever worries about their teeth until they're threatened! And by then, it might be too late.

Erica from Minnesota wrote in, saying: "Last week my mom mentioned she had an infection in her gums. Two rounds of antibiotics had been no help. The plan was to pull the tooth to let the infection drain but then she didn't have the $7000 to replace the tooth…so at 73, she was just going to have a gap for the rest of her life."

How was that a "plan"? Is that really the solution doctors offered — to pull a tooth out because of an infection?

Where's my bat?

Luckily, being the loving and caring daughter she is, Erica heard about The People's Chemist before it was too late. "I found out about you through email. I downloaded your Sugar Detox report and started receiving your emails. My first order was Daily Dose, Relief FX and Immune FX."

Immune FX is the exact right supplement to have on hand for ANY infection, including a gum infection. It's Mother Nature's fast-acting immunity-boosting product. (See And it targets biological nasties that threaten our health...flu, strep, allergies...

"I asked my mom to try Immune FX and she agreed," says Erica. "When I talked to her the next morning, after just one dose, I got a surprise…she didn't comment on the tooth, but she said she awoke for the first time with no pain in her swollen arthritic hands! Fast forward a few days and now the gums are healed also. No tooth extraction. No recovery time. No gap! Thank you thank you thank you!"

Well done, Erica! She earns a "Daughter of the Year" award from The People's Chemist. But it gets even better…

"Ironically a few days later, my mom asked me if I had eye drops for pink eye," Erica continues. "I said, ‘That's odd, I thought the Immune FX would help that.' She said, ‘Oh it was, but I stopped taking it because I take too many pills.' God help her, I'll get her trained. Needless to say, I told her to take Immune FX for a few more days for the eye. Gums, joints, eyes…it's a triple threat. And all in less than 7 days."

This is a fantastic example of a daughter taking action to help her parent. Immune FX is a very important supplement for aging parents. At their age, the immune system is very weak. But a simple product like Immune FX can keep parents happy and healthy! (Order now!)

I also told Erica to make sure her mom drinks plenty of purified water!

"I plan on getting my mom some Joint FX and Cinnergy, too, since she ‘hasn't had time to look into it' — even though she's very excited by the results so far," says Erica. "I don't want her to fall apart. I want her to finish strong. She's got many great years left ahead of her! 18 if she lives as long as her mom. I digress… Thank you! Keep up the great work!!"

This is the ultimate success story. Erica's mom would have lost a tooth for no reason, had she not tried Immune FX. All she had to do was load up her immune system with beneficial ingredients from Mother Nature to help strengthen its own ability to ward off infection.

In the end, saved Erica's mom from tooth extraction!

Never let a doctor threaten to pull a tooth out, due to gum infection! Before resorting to drastic measures, try Immune FX:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Erica told me her kids attend "germ factory" (AKA daycare) — so to help her build her kids' immunity naturally, I sent Erica a copy of my bestselling book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition ( It's packed with actionable info to help you and your family members live young, avoid disease, and steer clear of risky prescription and over-the-counter drugs (like nasty antibiotic eye ointment!). Get informed! Buy a copy for yourself and your loved ones!

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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