Subject: ~This Protects You From a Bad Diet!

This Protects You 
From a Bad Diet! 
(Must Read Because It's an Epidemic)
Thanks to horrific eating habits, the average person is "nutritionally starving."  And I'm talking about the upper-middle class who shops at Whole Foods and wears "organic" as a badge of honor...

Without knowing any better, people shove all kinds of food labels down their throat: Gluten-free, organic, low fat, Paleo, blah, blah, blah...and when their health fails and they gain weight they fill this dietary void with store-bought vitamins.

This is like trying to plug a leaking boat with Scotch Tape.

Store bought vitamins are nothing more than capsules jammed with with preservatives, fillers and synthetic wanna-be-chemicals modeled from nature. They're better suited for sitting on the shelf than they are for conferring health because they are made to last until bought...that means they'll survive heat, long shelf lives and even, probably, nuclear attacks.  That makes them toxic!

I'm not the only shouting about the risk.

"Vitamins…pose hidden hazards of their own," wrote The New York Times in a recent article called "Vitamins Hide the Low Quality of Our Food."

If most vitamin products are hazardous, why do so many people buy and swallow them?

The answer: willful ignorance. It's easier to lie to yourself than to be educated.

First off, supplement makers don't care if their vitamin products are hazardous. They just want to take your money. Either that, or they don't know how to make a good vitamin that does what it's intended to do.

Secondly, most Americans have ZERO clue how to eat well or what to look for in a vitamin!

Instead of educating themselves, they'd rather pop a pill and hope for the best.

As the New York Times pointed out, most Americans are too lazy to change the way they eat:

"We refuse to change our eating habits in the ways that would actually protect us, which would require refocusing our diets on minimally processed foods that are naturally nutrient-rich. Instead, we use the presence of synthetic vitamins in so many of our foods as justification to continue to eat whatever we want, and seek to fill any remaining gaps via pills."

How about we put an end to stupidity and learn how to eat right? Why not abandon silly catch-phrases and just learn how to eat right for our hormones?

My "Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much" Diet Book reveals how to get all your nutritional needs met:

  • Chapter 4 shows how easy it is to choose the right calories, so each meal nourishes your body
  • Chapter 5 gives you a dummy-simple meal plan to follow
  • Plus, you'll learn how to get your best physique in 90 days
  • You'll also learn how to remedy poor thyroid function
  • Balance your hormones
  • And tons more that you'll never find online!

Order the book today and in a matter of 5-10 days you'll notice a change for the better. I'll also throw in my FREE audio CD, 8 Weight Loss Lies That Can Permanently Harm You! 

You'll have more energy, better focus and even enhanced memory. As the fog is lifted with your new eating plan, your hormones and physique will be optimized for longevity and a more active lifestyle.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Americans are flocking to poor-quality store-bought vitamin products, thinking this will help fill the gaping nutritional gaps in their diet. It won't. Instead of being scammed, read my "Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much" Diet Book. Follow the guidelines and your body will be flooded with life-giving nutrients every day. (PLUS, you'll shed unwanted fat and finally master your hormones!)
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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