Subject: ~This Mom FURIOUS! 20 Years of Diabetes...GONE


I woke up to find an email from an angry mom...I share her

(Glad to see there's a few more paying attention to rising body count
from meds...)

In her words, she writes:

"Frankly I don't care if you cuss your ass off all fucking day long."

"What I give a shit about is my own personal health. Your products have
saved me from a knee surgery, when I was in bed thinking, shit I may never
walk again. Here I am after Joint FX ( with no pain.
I have NO pain in forever!!! Since falling across your products of course."

"Immunity FX ( is another absolute must for me and I
only use it if I'm coming down with something. That shit works. It knocks
it outside BAM!"

"I'm a diabetic for over 20 years. Once I used your cinnamon and milk
thistle combo ( I had the lowest A1C of my life.
Going from a 10 using six meds and an injectable and having a 10 A1C,
then using Cinnergy with NO meds and having the lowest A1C in my life
6.4 with NO diabetic meds!!!

"I saw my doctor and she and I are in a closed room together and she whispers,
'so you're not using any diabetic meds at all?'"

"I'm thinking "no dumbass are you hard of hearing." Instead I said are you
for real? I'm fucking pissed at YOU!! I said I've busted my ass eating right
and taking care of myself and what do you think I'm doing scoring
diabetic drugs on the street corner or bringing them in from Canada to
impress YOU!!!!!"

"She got so shook she took me in the ultra sound room and scanned my
veins and said Oh my God your veins are so clear, even better than they
have even been."

"My advise is try real food and The Peoples Chemist or follow along with
these asshole doctors who don't get a lick of training in med school about nutrition. I
should know my daughter is in Columbia Medical school and she learns about
nutrition from ME her mother. It's fucking pathetic.

"All these patients think doctors are God with an RX pad. This and that is too
expensive. I use all your products and it's a fuck load cheaper than a knee surgery."

"People are stupid followers and it's damn annoying. Just keep showing up
to get doctored or actually participate in your own health care is my
advise. So keep cussing because all I care about is you stay in the lab making
medicine that works!"

"For all you people who are offended by cussing fuck that too." - Susan

I agree. Fuck the norm. This is about ditching the meds and living young.

Start by getting your blood sugar in check at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If you're on meds, Cinnergy will help you get off...if you stay on meds,
Cinnergy will help protect your liver! Do it: