Subject: ~This Med Poisons 85,000 Children Each Year!

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently
revealed that 85,000 children under the age of 5 are accidentally
poisoned each year in the U.S.

That’s enough kids to fill two football stadiums.

Roughly 76% of these unintentional poisonings take place in the home,
courtesy of their parents medicine cabinet.

Take a guess as to which products ranked as the top poisoners of children.

Blood pressure meds.

They were the NUMBER ONE poison.

That’s right…little Johnny or Mary gets into Grandma’s purse, fumbles
around looking for candy, and instead finds a little orange bottle filled
with toxic prescription blood pressure meds. Yummy!

Aside from bleach and liquid laundry packets, drugs dominated the CPSC’s
list of “Top 10 Products Associated with Pediatric Poisoning.”

Painkillers…anti-depressants…narcotic medications…sleep aids…and
sedatives were all on the list. All of which are available either
over-the-counter or via prescription from a doctor.

If you agree with the insane medical model — taking drugs your body
DOESN’T need — then you’re inadvertently subjecting your children to

All it takes is a little education, like reading Over-The-Counter Natural
Cures Expanded.

You’ll learn how to wean yourself off dangerous prescription meds for
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Just recently, it was the #1 bestseller in 3 genres!

It also has 470 5-Star Reviews on Amazon!

“Thank goodness for Shane! I had no idea how many poisons I was putting
into my body until I read his book. Now I use his book as my supplement
Bible. I am slowly weaning off of prescription drugs and replacing them
with as many of Shane's supplements as I can afford. I love his no nonsense
way of speaking the truth. I feel encouraged when reading his book and
daily email, looking at the pictures and hearing the stories of his
beautiful wife and children. If they can do it, so can I. I'm 66 and can't
afford to lose anymore time putting trash (or worse) in my mouth. I want to
stay healthy and have a quality life. What good is long-life if you can't
get out of bed?! Thank you Shane for all the research and committing your
life to make all of us feel better.”

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Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist