Subject: ~This Cookie More Addictive Than Heroin...

How addictive is sugar?

In a study designed to answer this question, researchers
at Connecticut College found that Oreos were more addictive
than heroin and cocaine.

The scientists concluded, “Our research supports the theory that
high-sugar foods stimulate the brain in the same way that drugs do. It
may explain why some people can’t resist these foods despite the
fact that they know they are bad for them.”

Want to break the addictive cycle and quit sugar for good?

Want your body to stop craving it?

Then you need to force the pleasure center of the brain to stop asking for
it. Learn more at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Think you need to give up the things you love by quitting sugar.
Hell no! My favorite food is still REAL chocolate...learn how to
get it at