Subject: ~This Beats Malaria?

Malaria is a parasite that feeds off blood. It gobbles up oxygen-carrying
hemoglobin like a rabid shark eating up tourists on the beach.

Once the hemoglobin is digested, the byproduct is a chemical known as

As the parasite feasts on your blood, the toxin accumulates and eventually
kills you.

Half the world’s population is at risk for suffering from malaria, a
mosquito-transmitted disease.

Big Pharma hasn’t found a cure.

But Mother Nature has!

It’s called wormwood. Chinese medicine has been using it for centuries.

You can buy roughly a month’s supply on Amazon for about $2.00. (I
recommend the Swanson brand. I ran tests in my lab to confirm it has active
ingredients and no unnecessary adulterants.)

Wormwood is so effective, pharmaceutical chemists have been trying to make
synthetic copycats for decades, so they can profit by turning it into a

A Chinese scientist beat them to it. Her name is Tu Youyou.

Reading texts that date all the way back to 400 AD, Dr. Youyou discovered
wormwood decades ago. She then dedicated her life to studying the active
ingredients and how to extract them (not make copycats). A few weeks ago,
she won a Nobel Prize for her extraction methods of the natural cure.

But more important than the extraction method, this discovery is emblematic
of how effective natural medicine is at protecting us from today’s
biggest killers.

The Nobel Prize committee ignored this important fact. Instead, they made
certain to sweep the natural discovery under the Pharmaceutical rug.

As shown by The New York Times, "the Nobel committee specifically said it
was not honoring Chinese medicine…Instead, it said it was rewarding Dr.
Tu for the specific scientific procedures she used to extract the active
ingredient and create a chemical drug."

Formerly a pharmaceutical chemist myself, I’ve watched natural cures be
hidden from the general public for decades — cures for malaria, heart
failure, cancer, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease

Hawthorn is my favorite example. As a plant, it provides a vast array of
life-enhancing benefits for the entire cardiovascular system:

Controls blood pressure
Breaks up unruly blood clots
Strengthens the heartbeat
Bolsters total cardiovascular health

According to WebMD scientists: "Hawthorn can help improve the amount of
blood pumped out of the heart during contractions, widen the blood vessels,
and increase the transmission of nerve signals. Hawthorn also seems to have
blood pressure-lowering activity, according to early research. It seems to
cause relaxing of the blood vessels farther from the heart. It seems that
this effect is due to a component in hawthorn called proanthocyanidin."

Hawthorn use is something that every American should be taking part
in…It's the most effective way to add beneficial years to your lifespan
and ward off high blood pressure, heart stopping blood clots and weakening
heart! Learn more at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist