Subject: ~This Also Worked for Desperate Pilot! (Must read!)


Earlier I sent an email about a triple bypass patient who emailed to
say, "I started studying and came across the People's Chemist. I ordered
Cardio FX ( - started taking 9 a day - ditched all the
terrible drugs and am now feeling great."

Following that, I got another one from a pilot who used my hawthorn-rich,
Cardio FX ( to save more than his health"

"I can not say it enough, Thank You!"

"I am a commercial pilot, 55 years young and have been fighting hypertension
and high blood pressure for years. Staying active kept it within limits.
Then 3 years ago I seriously hurt my lower back at work. No more running,
and real exercise was a bad joke. I gained 15 lbs (208 lbs) and blood
pressure began a steady rise. My Primary Care doctor prescribed me meds to
lower my BP. But along with those meds I fell subject to sporadic
uncontrollable coughing, a possibly side effect (not good on a flight
deck). The replacement meds had a side effect of severe leg cramps, and of
course I fell into that side effect with cramps so severe I would be in
tears and unable to walk. (unable to go to work!). I gave up on meds."

"Attempting merely a proper diet and with my lower back slowly improving, I
began to work out at the gym with low impact exercises when able - but my
BP continued to slowly rise. Hitting 160-165/105-112. I knew I had to do
something. My health and job were both at jeopardy! And my next work
physical was nearing!"

"Reading from the internet about cures for BP, I tried Beet Juice/tablets,
potassium tablets and the list goes on without any real measurable

"Then I located an article on the web about The Peoples Chemist. What a
life and job saver that was. I purchased your book “Over-The-Counter
Natural Cures” from the local book store. Downloaded your $1.41 Cleanse
Cheat Sheet (completed 3 cleanses to date), Downloaded your 18-Min
Workout, still on the {Starter} workout due to my lower back but improving.
And finally have been on your Cardio FX for two weeks now, taking 3
capsules at wake up and 3 at night."

"The result: now 196 lbs, BP 130-133/80-86. Since monitoring I don’t ever
remember my BP that low, and with only 1 side effect – I FEEL GREAT!"

"I plan on going another week on this schedule, then possibly working on
lowering the dosage of Cardio FX slowly to see how low of a dosage I can go
while maintaining a good healthy BP. And the 18-Min Workout 2-4 times a

"Thank you so very much for saving my career and making me feel younger."


"P.S. Please feel free to share this info however it may suite you. I plan
on spreading the word at work and to my friends/family."

Want to see why Cardio FX works so well without side-effects?

Go here:

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cardio FX contains hawthorn, grape seed extract, garlic and magnesium
citrate...and nothing else, whatsoever. As a chemist, I designed it to be the
most potent and purest product in the world: