Subject: This Allergy and Infection Cure Wasn't the Placebo Effect! (Free $97 Value!)


Allergy season can come with dreadful consequences for some people.

Plenty of Over-The-Counter meds can help. But, their side effects come
with ruinous consequences. These 5 are common according to recent

1. Low libido (men lose valuable testosterone)
2. Increased appetite
3. Fatigue
4. Infertility
5. Anxiety

Stop the madness!

Don't reach for drugs!

Use my all natural ImmuneFX.

Yes, it works! And there is nothing like it! (You are wasting your time and
your health to things like Emergen-C)

"I bought Immune FX because I felt really sick all the time and it was due
to Pollen. I had a runny nose, headaches, insomnia due to being unable to
breath correctly. I took Immune FX and within two days I was back to
myself. I couldn't believe it because I felt so shitty and drowning myself
with Claritin." - Fan of

"My husband had a lingering cough from a cold. I "snuck" one in his daily
supplements for 3 days (to rule out the placebo effect). No more cough!
This stuff is great." - Yet another ImmuneFX fans response from today!

Imagine if ImmuneFX were a prescription drug that could be patented! It would
be all over the news and rent-a-quote doctors would be prescribing it
to millions!

But since it's natural, very few have the luxury of using ImmuneFX to have a
better life - To have a life free of allergy hassles and side effects!

For a limited time, you can save 15% on a 3-pack of ImmuneFX and
get my Secret Health Files (a $97 value FREE)!


People have been in the dark for too long! Not only do they not know
about ImmuneFX to ward off allergies AND illness like strep throat, but
they have been lied to about so many other natural cures.

Just look at how ignorant people are on Facebook when it comes to

Im fixing that now.

Buy a three pack of ImmuneFX at
and get 4 hours of Secret Health files audio that covers the following:

Secret Health Files Volume #1

1. How The Drug Industry Deceives Doctors
2. The Ancient “Immortality Herb” And How To Use It
3. What To Do When Your Doctor Tells You That Your Triglycerides Are Too
4. Diabetes: How To Avoid It And Live To 100 Years Old!
5. How To Put The Brakes On Illness And Aging Today!
6. Top “Healthy Foods” That Are Making You Sick
7. The Lazy Mans Guide To Reading Labels And Avoiding Belly-Inflating Foods

Secret Health Files Volume #2

1. How The Wrong Calorie Can Kill You
2. Defy Aging DNA The Easy Way: Add 10 Years To Your Life
3. Your Hidden Weapons Of Belly Fat Destruction
4. Hidden Danger Of Cholesterol Lowering Drugs
5. Cholesterol – What They Are Not Telling You
6. Four Ways To Reduce Inflammation And C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
Without Crestor
7. Save $64,000 With Three AGGRESIVE Cardiovascular Cures That
Cost Next To Nothing
8. The Athletes Deadly Mistake: Avoid This To Enhance Performance And
Smother Age Accelerating Free Radicals

Secret Health Files Volume #3

1. Should I Really Eat Meat?
2. Is Diet Coke Really A Joke?
3. Digestive Health On A Dollar Budget
4. Healing Secrets Of The Inca: Beat Malaria, Soothe Pain, Get Your Libido
5. Best Way To Avoid Cancer: Protect Yourself And Your Family From Hidden
Home Toxins
6. How To Harness Nutrient Logic’s 4-Prong Cancer Attack DAILY
7. New Way To Kill Cancer: Maximize Your Immune System Cancer RADAR
8. Big Pharma’s Most Sought After Blood Cancer Buster
9. The 27-Minute Hangover Cure

Secret Health Files Volume #4

1. 10 Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before Filling That Psychiatric
2. Most Important Health Habit For The Entire Family
3. Mother Nature’s Edible Sun Block That Helps Skin Glow Vibrantly Young
4. The Psychiatric Death Threat – Why You Need To Avoid Meds For Mental
5. Total Mental And Physical Health With This All-Natural “Detox

Simply buy at and forward your receipt to

You will be shocked, angered and grateful for taking this step toward living young!


The People's Chemist