Subject: ~These Antibiotics TRAIN Bad Bacteria to Kill!

Impetigo. It's a common bacterial infection of the skin. The simple cure
is a prescription antibiotic cream. Today, most doctors want your kid
swallowing an antibiotic. It makes Big Pharma more money.
Yet, it's deadly to our kids and the rest of the population.

Antibiotics were originally used in times of emergency…Thankfully, since
the 1940s, illnesses and deaths from infectious diseases have dropped
dramatically, as a result.

However, as antibiotics became as widely used as breakfast cereal…
something sinister started happening. They adapted. And the end
result has been a plague of superbugs that outsmart our current meds.

A recent Yahoo health article pointed out that the cause was the
UNNECESSARY USE OF ANTIBIOTICS. For example, taking oral antibiotics when
you can use a topical cream! Or using antibiotics for bug bites, ear
infections, cold, flu, and more!

If antibiotic resistance doesn't harm you, side effects will. A recent
study at the New York University Langone Medical Center explored what would
happen when mice were given a dose of a popular childhood antibiotics in
doses similar to what kids get today.

After getting the antibiotic, the mice fattened up like blimps. Their bones
grew larger, and their gut microbiomes (bacteria in their gastrointestinal
systems) were disturbed more than usual, compared to mice that were NOT fed
any antibiotics.

Research from the University of Minnesota has linked early antibiotic use
in children to allergies, autoimmune disorders, and other diseases later in

Bottom line…unnecessary antibiotics are bad news. There's a much better
way. It's called

In my book, all prescription antibiotics are unnecessary UNLESS you have a
confirmed life-threatening bacterial infection.

For those who want full protection against bugs, superbugs, and other
"biological nasties," Immune FX is nature's #1 secret weapon. See

Unlike antibiotics, Immune FX won't train bacteria to become stronger. It
won't create disturbances in your gut. And it WON'T create allergies,
autoimmune disorders, or other diseases.

In fact, Immune FX can actually help eliminate allergies by strengthening
your immune system. See

Few people know this, but the human immune system is equipped to handle
virtually all threats that could arise against it!…but that's ONLY if you
give it what it needs to be strong and resilient.

A weak immune system is worthless in a world full of biological nasties.

Don't take my word for it…try a bottle of Immune FX
[] for yourself, and sit back knowing your
immune system will be powerful enough to handle any outside invader.

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist