Subject: ~The best cinnamon and why you need it for longevity!


One of the most important supplements is cinnamon.

Technically, it's a bark.

Grounded up, it makes a fantastic flavoring agent and spice.

Used as a supplement, it is one of the most effective ways
help your body live longer. How?

Proper cinnamon use controls blood sugar! In fact, it does this
better than any prescription drug in the entire world.

By lowering your blood sugar, you prime your body for hormones
that help you live young, longer. In other words, high blood sugar and
anti-aging hormones cannot co-exist. Just like you can't have cats and
dogs in the same room, you can't have excess sugar and healthy hormones
in the blood.

Remove excess sugar with cinnamon and your body becomes it's own
healer...You get optimal hormone output, sensitivity and balance. I call this
Hormone Intelligence. You can call it awesome.

Unfortunately, most people are getting the WRONG kind of cinnamon
bark. If you want to control blood sugar, you need the proper active

Think of it like aviation fuel...There are different types, but only one will
work in any given plane. Use the wrong one, bad things will happen.

Same is true for cinnamon supplements.

If it has chromium, you are risking cancer, as outlined in my book,
Over-The-Counter Natural Cures.

Use a brand that does not test for actives, and you risk wasting money and
your health. (By actives, I mean things like cinnamaldehyde and others.
Without these, your muscles are not primed to suck up excess blood sugar.)

I've tested dozens of EXPENSIVE brands. All of them lacked actives!

True story!

They process their cinnamon bark in a way that PULLS out the actives!

They don't know this because they are not chemists.

Lastly, many people fear that a naturally occurring compounds known
as COUMARIN will cause excess bleeding and liver toxicity. This has yet to
ever be proven.

However, I designed a cinnamon product that has ALL actives and ZERO

Read that again...My cinnamon product HAS NO COUMARIN!

That means worry-free longevity!

Learn more at

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist