Subject: ~The Yerba Mate Fat Burner That Works


I've been getting buried with questions about fat loss!

These come mostly from people on blood pressure meds and
moms how have packed on the pounds over the years due
to hormonal woes...It seems that no matter what they do, they
simply can't stop gaining weight.

And it's true. When your hormone are jacked, nothing can help.

A recent article in The New York Times shows why.

To increase weight of their pigs and thus the amount of pork they sell,
It's common practice for commercial farmers to feed their animals
blood pressure meds! Regardless of eating the same amount, the pigs
grow wildly fat. Great for the pork industry, bad, bad, bad for you...On
many levels.

Prescription meds from you food and your doctor have skewed your
hormones in favor of fat gain, regardless of diet.

These meds and additives block a family of receptors known as beta-
receptors. Without these being accessible, your fat burning hormones
are blocked.

Enter my product Thermo FX at

It renews these receptors and exposes them while also activating
them to blast fast.

It works, too!

I've been selling this Yerba Mate fat burner for 13 years! Before that,
I used it in college and graduate school to increase my energy and focus.

Stock up now at

If you want to get off blood pressure meds, you can also take Cardio FX!

Dare to live thin and slim!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Thermo FX and Cardio FX are safe to take together. If you want
to learn how best to eat and exercise, as well as what other drugs and
foods might be making you fat, thus diminishing your lifespan, read my
Stop Eating So F@#$ing Much Diet book. All are found at

P.S.S And yes! If you're eating pigs that were fed BP meds, you too are
eating BP meds! It's like a sick conspiracy to fatten you up and make
mountains of profit...And people sit like Zombies watching CNN, never
knowing what's being done to them, until it's too late. Fight back!