Subject: ~The World's WORST vitamin…(Really Bad)

Vitamin makers are now teaming up with the candy industry!

You read that right.

Sugar has invaded everything from bacon to beef jerky. Now it's gonna be
in your vitamins.

Vitamins have gone from bad to really bad…

In a ludicrous push to market and sell "gummy vitamins" (AKA candy) to
grown adults, the industry is pandering to people's weaknesses in order to

What else is new?

In "Vitamins Gone Gummy," the New York Times shows how adults are flocking
to sugar-coated gummy vitamins.

"Gummy vitamins and supplements originally targeted children, and were
offered as a fun way to get kids to take their vitamins. But in 2012,
Perrigo, a supplement maker with headquarters in Ireland, began marketing
gummy products to adults. Last year, the company announced that it was
partnering with Ferrara Candy Company, maker of Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers,
to develop multivitamins for adults over 30," states NYT.

Seriously?!? Can we sell these "adults" a binkie and bottles, too?

Citing reasons like "difficulty swallowing pills" and "pill fatigue" (i.e.,
taking so many meds, people can't stomach swallowing an actual vitamin
pill), vitamin makers will use any excuse to make gummy vitamins appear

But make no mistake…candy does not count as vitamins.

The amount of sugar packed into a single gummy vitamin is frightening.

"…gummy vitamins typically contain one to two grams of sugar each - a
1,000 milligram dose of Nature Made Gummy Vitamin C contains 8 grams of

How is that "healthy"? Mountains of research shows that sugar is more
addictive than cocaine and heroin. It's also the chief cause of heart
disease, obesity, diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease in our later years…

Can we hang these vitamin makers?

This represents EVERYTHING that's wrong with the vitamin industry: they
appeal to taste, convenience and trends in synthetic chemistry, not
measurable outcomes.

Can't believe I'm even writing this. Candy does NOT count as vitamins.
Period. Read the fuckin' labels.

"Some companies have begun offering sugar-free versions of gummy vitamins
for consumers who prefer a sugar substitute," says NYT.

Yea right. How about offering real vitamins derived from botanical sources?

How about vitamins that come with measurable results like
anti-inflammation, antioxidant, memory enhancement and so much more like
Daily Dose? (

Daily Dose is the only true multi-vitamin on the planet.

As The People's Chemist, I don't pander to anyone. Yes, Daily Dose comes in
pill form. If you have a problem with this, grow up. It also comes with a
truly natural, gelatin capsule, not a veggie capsule, which is nothing more
than a cover for "hypromellose." Made by pharma, this
type of capsule is a glue that can bind your intestines and halt
absorption…yea, that's what you call a veggie cap?

Instead of catering to people's weaknesses, I chose to create an effective,
safe multivitamin product that ADDS to quality of life, rather than taking
away. (

Sugar-free, GMO-free, gluten-free, and idiot-free, Daily Dose is the only
multivitamin in the world that brings real, measurable results to users.

Get the facts on worthless multivitamins here:

Daily Dose contains NOT ONE SINGLE TOXIC INGREDIENT in it (including
sugar). Instead, it's loaded with the most beneficial, naturally occurring
nutrients required to fight cancer, as well as increase energy, vitality,
immunity, and longevity.

Daily Dose is good for the brain, too! It contains a massive dose of
nature's most potent MEMORY BOOSTER, boswellic acid (BA) from frankincense.
Researched for decades, boswellic acid is the single most important
ingredient for building a bigger, healthier brain. I think boswellic acid
and its powerful effect on brain health and memory is one of chemistry's
greatest discoveries.

Like restoring our reflexes, boswellic acid increases the brain's ability
to think, store information, and react faster. It's a must-have for brain

(Meanwhile, a sugar-packed "gummy vitamin" is more likely to rot your brain
cells away over time…and give you "brain fog." The discovery on how to
create gummy vitamins doesn't serve anyone but candy makers.)

Will Daily Dose cure stupidity? Will it turn lazy slobs into productive
millionaires overnight?

Of course not….Let's not get carried away.

But it's a real multivitamin. No synthetic ingredients. No side effects. No
sugar. No chance of over-dosing or making you fat.

If you genuinely can't swallow a pill, then open the capsule and pour it
into my TPC-approved lemonade recipe. (

…But for godsake, don't subject yourself to gummy vitamins.

Try your first bottle of Daily Dose at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Gummy vitamins don't help anyone. Ditch the candy. Instead, use a REAL
multivitamin that provides measurable health benefits: