Subject: The World's Greatest Hydration Formula!


Nothing makes me cringe more than seeing infants and athletes
sucking down Pedialyte to get hydrated...

Marketed as a hydration formula for kids, it's nothing more than a chemical
shit storm that can lead to many diseases such as cancer and Lupus. The
active ingredients, sucralose and aspartame, belong in a chemical waste
dump, not your body.

It's horrific that anyone would be sucking this crap down. Especially
when there's a more effective, natural alternative.

I call it Nature's Hydration Formula (NHF).

It been proven on the battle grounds against Cholera.

An infection of the intestines, this nasty bug leads to diarrhea, vomiting
and sometimes death due to dehydration. But not if you use NHF.

The medical journal Lancet said that this discovery is “the most
important medical advance this century.”

To use NHF, mix the following:

1 pint of purified water
1 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of vegetable glycerin (get it at any health food store by that

Once consumed, salt activates a hormone in the body known as ADH –
anti-diuretic hormone. This successfully prevents the kidneys from
expelling water.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has made this protocol to save
millions of lives around the world from dehydration, among those who
suffered from bacterial infection.

It even works for drastically raising athletic performance and overcoming a

Think back to an athletic event or when you were hung-over…Remember
taking in tons of water, yet going to the bathroom excessively and still
being thirsty? That’s because you didn’t have enough ADH to hold water.
It was going right through you.

Sugar works with salt within the body to help increase the uptake of water
from the gut into our blood.

The vegetable glycerin is a “water magnet.” When swallowed, it goes
into the muscle cells, and at the same time pulls water into them to help
the internal machinery function more efficiently. Technically it helps
produce more power via ATP and the contraction of muscle fibers, actin and

“Isn’t sugar bad for you?”

Yes, but if your severely dehydrated, dehydration is worse. You are using
it medicinally here.

Start living young by avoiding the chemical shit storm in Pedialyte and
so many other hydration drinks sold today.

Dare to live young,
The People's Chemist

P.S. Nature's most powerful Multi-vitamin, Daily Dose is on sale! Get 15%
off when you buy 3 at Daily Dose provides the most
potent and purest form of CURCUMIN. Stock up now at