Subject: ~The Un-meltable Ice Cream Bar and Your Hormones!


It's all over the news:

Wal-Mart's Ice-Cream Bar Un-Meltable!

Sitting in the sun for hours, it's been made public that
the popular ice-cream bar won't melt in the summer heat.

Shock and awe has spread nationwide over the fact that
ice-cream lovers might not be eating "real food."

In this case, it was guar gum and cellulose that changed the
physical properties of the ice cream, making it melt at much
higher temps.

Those two chemical additives are just the tip of the iceberg...

(Did you know guar used to be a drug for lowering cholesterol?)

There are tens of thousands of additives (drugs) being tossed into your
food that not only change a foods physical properties, but also your
hormonal properties!

Just like the food industry changes food properties for shelf life, they also
change them to get you to eat too F#$%ing much!

It's good for business, bad for your hormones.

Worse, they often trick you into eating these "pharmafoods" under the
guise of HEALTH.

For instance, when sugar free was the craze, aspartame and Splenda
became substitute. Big Food got rich, millions got cancer.

Now it's "fat free" and "gluten free!"

Once the said "bad" ingredient is taken out, the chemical shit storm
follows right behind to replace it...

Meanwhile, you eat more and your hormones go awry.

You think food companies want you eating less???

They want you eating more!

Therefore, they sell you neatly crafted marketing terms (sugar free) to
make you think you're dieting, while teasing your hormones into a life
of eating servitude.

This marketing ploy has given rise to the obesity epidemic
we have today...And it's sad, on many levels.

When diets fail, doctors blame the patient and dope them up on more
drugs! Nobody is ever told about the chemicals being added to their
food and the subsequent hormonal damage, which can't be
fixed by any drug or diet!

I'm helping people save themselves with my book, The Stop Eating So
F#$%ing Much Diet.

In it, I teach 6 simple habits that help anyone reverse the
hormone curse caused by added chemicals.

I don't want anyone to be without it, so I'm offering an awesome deal for
the next 24 hours:

Order today and I'll give you my 8 Weight Loss Lies That Can Permanently
Harm You for FREE! This will protect you from all the diet fads, for life.

This is a simple investment of about $25 bucks that will help you understand
why your hormones are conspiring against you and why diet gurus
(and doctors) are full of shit.

Buy at and forward your receipt to to get your free audio course.

If you can't dedicate about 30-45 minutes to focused reading, don't
even think about buying this book...It's loaded with new info
that will change how you think about food, and therefore requires
thinking...And that requires focus. So if you don't have it, don't
bother with it.

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. This book will show you that it's not about sacrifice and denial when
it comes to having your best health and body! See