Subject: ~The Total Saw Palmetto Package (Testosterone, Too!!!)


As men approach age 50, they're more likely to develop Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia (BPH) - also known as prostate enlargement - due to years of
poor lifestyle choices and hormone destruction.

BPH symptoms can be painful and annoying. The most common symptom is having
to get up several times in the middle of the night to pee. Other urinary
problems are also common.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney
Diseases, most prostate problems start when men are in their 40s.

By age 50, prostate problems become very common. By age sixty, 50% of all
men have enlarged prostates. The number jumps to 90% for men in their
eighties and nineties.

So even if you don't have prostate problems now, statistics say you
probably will.

That's a damned good reason why you should start taking preventive measures
as soon as possible.

If you're around age 30…you've got time on your side. Don't be complacent
about this. (Start protecting your prostate today at .)

However, if you've already been diagnosed with BPH, be careful…your
doctor may try to stick you on worthless medications for the rest of your
life! Taking prescription drugs for BPH is a stupid idea…because for one,
they're riddled with side effects. And two, they don't address the
underlying root cause of BPH - which is poor "hormone intelligence."

As men grow older, their hormones are thrown out of whack. In other words,
their hormones go crazy, get imbalanced, and everything falls apart. (And
you thought it was just women whose hormones went crazy.)

What causes poor hormone intelligence and eventually prostate enlargement?
Basically…treating your body like a trash can, and engaging in poor diet
and lifestyle habits.

Wrecked hormones aren't necessarily a byproduct of getting older - it's
more often the result of YEARS of bad habits finally catching up with
you…like sitting on your ass day after day, instead of going out and
slaying dragons with your bare hands.

When your diet and lifestyle habits consistently suck, the end result is
that your testosterone drops lower than that of a 13-year-old girl.
Estrogen surges - and at the same time, the prostate becomes more sensitive
to testosterone metabolites like DHT (dihydrotestosterone). This causes

…That's the point at which most doctors will try to slap you on BPH
meds…but don't get caught in that trap.

The REAL solution? Get your hormone intelligence back - optimize your
hormone balance, output and sensitivity.

To become a master of hormone intelligence, read "The Stop Eating So
F#@%ing Much Diet" book ( Follow the "dummy
simple" principles outlined in the book…and you can't go wrong. It will
help you get your hormones back into balance, so that your body can heal
itself on its own. No drugs needed. (Not to mention, you'll lose fat.)

Then…stock up on Palmetto+ for total prostate protection (order at This supplement will help put an end to annoying
urination problems, while protecting the prostate. Use it if you currently
wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom!

Order Palmetto+ at .

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. YOU ultimately have control over your own lifestyle habits and
behaviors. For the lazy and unmotivated, this is very bad news. But for
those who are willing to make simple changes, it's great news - because it
means you can take your health back, without resorting to toxic
prescription drugs. Get started by reading "The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much
Diet" book (…Then stock up on Palmetto+ to put
an end to nighttime trips to the bathroom ( (For
men only)