Subject: The Secret Behind this Cinnamon and Milk Thistle


Since its release, third party reviews have called Cinnergy,
"The most potent detoxifying, anti-aging, fat-burning and health
promoting supplements we've ever tested."

All that, plus it can cost as low as $4 per month!

...It's been MONTHS since Cinnergy has been in stock...That's ridiculous!
But, it's not surprising....

Many readers know that I spent years perfecting the most
potent blend of cinnamon and milk thistle - the product I now call
Cinnergy...And it's often sold out. Just last week we started shipping
again. And as always, I sold a record number of bottles,
and many of them went to repeat customers.

I also got a record number of questions and I thought I'd address them
publicly because everyone should here the answer, whether you take
cinnamon and milk thistle, or not!

Now, the secret behind why Cinnergy is so potent is because it's PACKED
with the active ingredients thanks to a unique extraction process. Plus,
it doesnt have any fillers or additives like chromium or titanium dioxide or
magnesium stearate...


Supply does not last. Order Cinnergy now and get a FREE eBook
that teaches you about the Glycemic Index and how best to use it:


A fan recently emailed to say, "I'm interested in the Cinnergy
product that you wrote about. But I understand that the ingredients are "extracted."
Is that done using a chemical process? And what is the benefit of extracting
the ingredients?"

First of all, I want to applaud this fan for being concerned
about the way this supplement is produced. Too many people
blindly assume that all nutritional supplements are safe and
effective. This is simply not true. In fact, some supplements
aren't even natural! (Read that sentence again, please.)

Many commercial "vitamin" products, for example, are produced
from synthetic ingredients (including petroleum extracts and coal
tar derivatives) and can be downright harmful! As "The People's
Chemist," I would never use a chemical extraction process! EVER!

The Extraction Process

"Extraction" is simply a way of making the ingredients in
Cinnergy more powerful and more potent. And in this case, it's
done with purified water and oil so that I can pull out the
entire spectrum of water soluble and fat soluble, healing

If you want to know how it works, think of it like you're making

Let's say that you pour half a cup of coffee grounds into a
French press and then steep those grounds in hot water. But
instead of drinking the coffee, let's say you pour it off to the
side and discard the used grounds. Next, add a fresh batch of
coffee grounds to the French press. Then heat the existing coffee
again and pour it over the new beans.

Once this second batch has steeped, you pour the coffee to the
side again and throw away the beans. Now, imagine repeating this
process three more times.

At the end of the process you would still have just one batch of
coffee - but it would be FIVE TIMES more potent than the first
batch you brewed.

Next, imagine that you take the pot of coffee and slowly
evaporate the water. This would leave only the solids behind.
These solids could then be powdered and put into capsules.

In this example, just one small capsule might have the same
amount of caffeine (and antioxidant power) that would normally be
found in five cups of coffee!…Now think how that translates
into providing a pill loaded with the medicinal compounds from
cinnamon and milk thistle!

Water/oil extraction is a perfectly natural and time-tested
process that can greatly enhance the potency of an ingredient.
And that's exactly what I do with Cinnergy.

The cinnamon is extracted five times, while the milk thistle goes
through the process four times. The end result is a highly potent
detoxifying, anti-aging, fat burning and health promoting natural
supplement…My wife likes to call it her "sexy body insurance”
because by controlling blood sugar and insulin levels, it SLOWS
the aging process!

Not only does it cause you to age slower, but it also makes you feel
younger too thanks to an increase in energy throughout the day!

Cinnergy Is The Guardian of Fitness and Health. I’m Not Making This

I’ve written about the vast benefits of cinnamon and milk
thistle for the last 5 years. And over that time, I’ve watched
companies adulterate their products with toxic substances like
chromium picolinate, processed soy oils, titanium dioxides and
sodium lauryl sulfates.

Worse, I’ve even tested other products that claim to be potent
water or alcohol extracts and found they didn’t carry ANY of
the medicinal compounds intended by Mother Nature. Once altered
in the lab, my results showed conclusively that the quality of
products dwindled.

Yet, science continues to discover the vast benefits of using
“medicinally active” cinnamon and milk thistle. Therefore, I
set out to offer a safe and effective product like Cinnergy so
that consumers could avoid the marketing shenanigans of the
supplement industry, while also using it as the guardian of their
health, fitness, and longevity. PLUS, ANYONE CAN AFFORD IT.

Important Message on Price and Potency

Would you believe that people send me emails bitching about my
price for Cinnergy without doing the math? I’m going to set
the record straight...If you were to buy the weak cinnamon and
milk thistle products sold in retail stores, you would be paying
double or triple! (I’m yelling that.)

Cinnergy is so potent that it remains in your body for days!

Therefore, if you are not Type II diabetic, you should only be
taking one capsule every three to four days! That’s it! If
you are diabetic and trying to get control of your blood sugar
without meds, then you can follow the instructions on the label.
Once you combine that with an eating plan that ignites Hormone
Intelligence Therapy (HIT) as outlined in my book,
Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, you can lower your dose.

What this means is that Cinnergy is not only the most potent form
of cinnamon and milk thistle, but also THE WORLDS MOST
INEXPENSIVE. A bottle can last as long as seven months, costing
you as little as $4 dollars each month! Bam!


Supply does not last. Order Cinnergy now and get a FREE eBook
that teaches you about the Glycemic Index and how best to use it:


Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist