Subject: ~The Quick, Safe Pain Fix 20% Off!

Today marks 15 years since I designed and released Relief FX!

...all-natural and non-toxic, I made it for my wife to use for her 2nd

And ever since, it's been used around the world for all types of pain.

To celebrate, I'm taking 20% off so that anybody can start benefitting
from Relief FX: (Less than 1-Day Left!)

One fan recently showed how effective it was for their back pain.

"I'm a former LAPD Detective and reside in Tennessee now. Twenty-seven
years ago while I was working patrol, I injured my back, specifically the
L5-S1 area and suffered from sciatica if I didn't work out and stay fit.

"Despite all my efforts I would still tweak it doing a search warrant or
something, and then chew on Vicodin or whatever to dull the pain."

"Well, yesterday I was helping someone move their furniture and I effed up. I
knew it the second I did it. Since I'm now 57 years old, I was having an
oh shit moment. The sciatica was in full bloom within an hour. I was
thinking about all I could do since I have no pain meds when I remembered I
had your Relief FX. Praise God! I took three even though I only weigh 118

"Shane, I slept through the night! You don't get it. That's NEVER happened
in all these years of suffering with sciatica. Pain meds just dulled the
pain and made me feel lousy. Thank you so very much brother. I will be
letting all my law enforcement brothers and sisters know since we all
suffer from some mechanical injury due to fighting the good fight all these

"Blessings to you and your family and keep up the good work!"

Don't wait, don't even hesitate! Start using Relief FX now and
save 20%: (Less than 1-Day Left!)

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Relief FX has no medication or supplement interactions! It's
non-toxic and works in a matter of minutes! For best results, empty
capsules into water and drink. Beware of the taste! Save 20% now!
Stock up and get FREE shipping for all orders over $89:
(Less than 1-Day Left!)