Subject: The Problem with Glucosamine HCl


The problem with glucosamine HCl is that it doesn't work. Still though,
it's the most popular joint healing ingredient on the market.

If you're using it, you're being robbed.

On my "horrible product scale" from 1-10, glucosamine HCl gets a -1.

Dirt is above it, with a 1, since you can get it for free.

No doubt, joint pain holds us back in life. It keeps us away from our
favorite activities. It also disrupts sleep. And it can even prevent us from
making a living. And that's why so many people will buy just about
anything to fix it.

Some will even have invasive surgery.

There's a better way!


Learn about the healing nutrients and how your body heals itself at:


Your body has a phenomenal ability to heal itself. When it comes to
joints, it can rebuild them! Acupuncture was one of the first sciences to
tap into this innate ability to heal. But even that had limitations...Which were
key nutrients. Without key nutrients, your body cannot heal, just like a car
cannot go without gas.

To tap into your healing powers, your body needs a precise mix of
nutrients. It uses these to rebuild joints....They cause healing hormones
to spring to life.

These nutrients have not been used together ever before simply because
glucosamine HCl has essentially stolen the market! So many people are
like zombies, walking around asking for it, that nobody is selling the good
stuff or even wanting to...

...Well, until now at least. I've been teaching people about these
nutrients for years. And they have been life changing.

"About 2 1/2 years ago my knees would ache and swell up. Orthopedic surgeon
did an MRI on left knee and found small “rips,” and said I was suffering from osteoarthritis.He wanted to do surgery. I started with 6 Joint FX pills a day
for 10 days. Pain and discomfort was gone about 75 %!"

For 7 weeks I've been back ordered on these joint healing nutrients..It
was terrible. Not only could I not sell them, but my phone and email were
jammed with complaints.

I do apologize. But seriously, some of you need to get over it.

I'm not exactly or GNC.

Plus, I'm not like all the other bozos on the Internet who PRIVATE LABEL
the same junk with a different label.

I'm making my own creations based on MEASURABLE RESULTS...I don't
mass produce and sometimes I SELL OUT! (Not "sell out" in the way that so
many vitamin d pill hucksters do...)

I get back ordered because people BUY products that work. Sometimes, I
simply don't have it to ship.

But, all that is over...At least for now.

Learn about the healing nutrients and how your body heals itself at:

If this wasn't the best natural medicine in the world for joints, I'd just
reformulate it to be that...But I don't have to! Learn why at:

Live Young!

The People's Chemist