Subject: ~The Obesity Conspiracy?

Heading into 2020, most people will be aiming for fat loss...and most will
fail if they don't know about pharmafood!

When I was a bench chemist for Big Pharma, the biggest hurdle
to profit was FDA approval. To side step it, the industry began producing
food additives for Big Food. This successfully allowed them to label
their chemicals as food, thereby skipping over the expensive and time
consuming approval process.

Ever since, most peoples hormones have suffered...cancer rates have
shot up, too.

Companies like Nestlé, Gatorade, Kraft, and Unilever (and many, many others)
have lead the pharmafood charge and spurred the “eating-too-much” trend
by manipulating our food supply and taste buds so that consumers are never

Think about that…no matter how much “manipulated” food you eat, your
hunger pangs will grow while your brain sends out SOS signals for more
food!  You can thank pharmafoods.

Profits go to protecting their chemical food heyday...

Nestlé was recently caught red-handed paying nutritionists and scientists
in China, US, and Brazil to manipulate diet trends and research. The New
York Times covered this in a chilling piece titled, “How Big Business
Got Brazil Hooked on Junk Food.”

In it they showed how the food giant hired “foot soldiers” to hand out
free samples of processed foods (drenched in sugars, artificial flavors and
pharmafood) to impoverished moms. Once hooked, they’d set up delivery
routes to ensure ongoing supply for the entire family, successfully cutting
them off from their traditional diets. The fallout has been epic rates of
obesity, diabetes, heart disease and a growing mortality count from
premature death.

In Asia, Nestle vetted mainstream scientific research to insist that,
“children who drank malted breakfast beverages — a category dominated
in Malaysia by Milo, a sugary powder drink made by Nestlé — were more
likely to be physically active and spend less time in front of a computer
or television.” Of course, this was blatantly false!

Kids drugged with sugar, artificial flavors and pharmafoods (chemicals made
in a lab and designed to trick your brain into eating more) usually want to
stare at their TV, phone and iPad, not go outside and run around. The end
result is an epidemic of obesity, depression and diabetes.

These food manipulators have most of the planet covered. No matter where
you are, you’re currently living in an Evil Empire that has imprisoned
you with the invisible bars of food craving. It counts its money based on
how many bites you eat, and goes back to the lab to find ways to increase
your overeating year after year.

Your stomach can’t keep up, your bowls are bloated, and your intestines
are so filled with processed food and shit that it’s pressing on your
arteries and inflating your blood pressure as fast as the profits flood
into Big Food companies. These “food makers” and their profits
manipulate everything from Google, your kids’ education, to media, to
science, to politics.

So, blame the doctor, blame Big Food, or blame yourself for being
overweight. Either way, take action. Understand that you need to master
your hormones to shed fat!  And since not a single fad diet today
address’s this assault on our hormones, not a single once can help you
until you get your hormones mastered with Hormone Intelligence Therapy:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Hormone Intelligence Therapy is a 30 day package that allows
you to work directly with The People's Chemist to get your best
body and best health...but be warned, this is only for the serious!
If you're just "thinking" about losing fat or refuse to read and learn, ITS