Subject: ~The NEW, Must Have Book for Moms, Menopause, Sleep and Thyroid Health!

How to Conquer Menopause in 30 Days!

When a woman reaches her 40s or 50s, her body gradually stops producing as many reproductive hormones.

Her menstrual cycles come to an end, and eventually she's longer able to have children.

Known as "menopause," this process is a natural occurrence.

For many menopausal women, everything else starts to decline along with it— energy levels plummet, sleep quality diminishes, and weight piles on.

Diane from Naples, Florida, noticed that her body started to change.

"I went to the gym using free weights 3 times a week, did yoga and ran daily (about 3 miles). I biked about 4 times a week (6-8 miles per ride) and I got in a swim about 2 times a week," she writes. "Although my diet was a very healthy one, I was a grazer. Overall everything was good in my world. I was in good shape and looked about the way I did in high school…Then Menopause happened.

Even though menopause is a natural occurrence, it can be exacerbated by bad habits.

Like pouring gasoline over a small fire, GRAZING (i.e., eating several small meals and snacks a day) can make menopause much worse than it needs to be.

"I started to see my waistline widen," Diane says. "I felt fatigued more often, and my sleep started to be disturbed. I tried to ramp up my activity level but as I was feeling more fatigued that became a challenge."

"I understood what was happening to my body and why. I pondered buying larger jeans and just accepting the fact that this too shall pass…in about 10 years! But that wasn't an option. I also knew that the ‘quick fix drugs' doctors are so quick to recommend were not an agreeable option for me, either."

Unwilling to allow the natural aging process to crush her, Diane decided to take matter into her own hands.

"I re-read Over-the Counter Natural Cures, this time picking the book apart," she says. "I took notes, made charts, and embarked on the 30-day challenge. I immediately stopped grazing and started to build my meals around the 25% carbs, 25% protein, 50% healthy fat combination that Shane recommends. I added a daily ab workout, daily squats and daily pushups to my routine. I was still fighting that tired feeling, so the running and biking were not at the level they once were."

Positive changes began taking place in Diane's body. The scientific term for this is: she "forced her body to be young again"!

And it worked.

"The first change that amazed me was that I was never hungry! I couldn't believe how satisfied I was. I had no desire to snack between meals! About 13 days into the eating change, I added the supplements. The results are beyond anything I can put into words. I am about 2 days shy of the full 30 day challenge and I can't wait to see where I am in 60 days. My energy level is back to where it was before. I've resumed my running, I sleep better than before, and my waistline is coming back with my abs taking on definition. OH! And my skin is so soft and smooth!"

Defined abs during menopause?

Soft, smooth skin, too?

Not to mention, great sleep?

Wish I could say I was surprised by Diane's results, but I'm not.

These are all natural outcomes that arise when you follow the simple guidelines in Over-the-Counter Natural Cures.

"As I reread Over-the Counter Natural Cures, I comprised a list of all the foods listed with special attention given to the powerful food combinations mentioned and incorporated them into my weekly staples," says Diane. "I have either created new recipes around the list or revised recipes to reflect the ‘nutrient logic' explained. Friends are already asking for the new recipes."

"Friends have also asked what makes Over-the Counter Natural Cures so different from other books on nutrition. The only way I can explain it is that it's like getting an owner's manual for your body. It's not preachy, just simple — here are the facts, agree, disagree, doesn't change that these are the facts. The example I use is if you put cheap gas in a high performance car, it might look good for awhile but it sure isn't going to perform the way it was designed to. Followed by my question back to them, ‘Do you what to be a sleek Jag or a junky jalopy?'"

Doesn't matter what your age is — if you give your body what it needs, it will reward you by producing the hormones needed to live young again.

Athletes, busy moms, anyone seeking to lose weight, get shredded abs — or just have more energy to conquer life — should do themselves a favor and make Over-the Counter Natural Cures your new bible.

Not only will it transform the menopausal woman's body into a youthful body, it will do the same for everyone who applies it.

"I can't thank you enough for the book! LIFE CHANGING!!! Really," says Diane.

Start living young in just 30 days by reading and applying the information in Over-the-Counter Natural Cures, like Diane did.

You'll thank me later!

Shane Ellison

P.S. Diane called my book, Over-the-Counter Natural Cures, "an owner's manual for your body." Rightfully so. It helped her eliminate the typical symptoms of menopause (weight gain, fatigue, poor sleep) and made her feel young again! Get yourself a copy of the book, read it like your life depended on it, apply the strategies — and watch as you start seeing results within 30 days.

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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