Subject: The Hollywood Body - New Pics

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

All new pics for my latest blog post, The Hollywood Body. See what my wife uses as part of her "Hormone Intelligence Therapy."

Post your questions on the blog!

Also, keep reading if you're curious about my $150 ethical bribe...

Mom Helps Daughter Get Life Back with Over-The-Counter Natural Cures

Her daughter was suffering from mental and physical problems. Once on meds, the problems continued to get worse. Then the side effects kicked in.

Weight gain came on double-time. In a valiant attempt to help her get back on track, this mother started searching for natural alternatives. She was lost in a virtual maze of natural cure gimmicks and cartoon-like brands hawking themselves as health gurus.

Luckily, she found my $10 book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures. Here is what this Mom and new fan had to say:

“This dreadful experience has shown me how detrimental pharmaceuticals can be (even taken correctly) and has given me a strong desire to learn about natural health maintenance, avoiding prescription medications and I wanted specifics. I can't afford the time or money to check each and every vitamin/mineral supplement and verify that they work and are unpolluted by fillers and additives. Over-The-Counter Natural Cures names names. It not only explains which supplements would be beneficial and why, but it also gives brand names that have been researched for purity. I'd recommend this book to anyone who is interested in maintaining good health inexpensively and without costly medications."

Over-The-Counter Natural Cures gives a mother a knowledgeable resource of trusted information to use to help their own child get off pharmaceutical drugs and lead a better, more natural and healthy life. And it’s 100% bullshit free.

Buy Over-The-Counter Natural Cures today for yourself, your loved ones, for the people you care about. Help them find just what they've been looking for.

Huge Ethical Bribe:

Buy 10 or more copies today for friends and family, you get my Secret Health Files FREE (a $150 value), with free shipping too!

Almost 4 hours of 10-minute health boosters on the BIGGEST medicine topics today. I tell you WHERE to buy the products that can save your life! There is no overlap between the book and Secret Health Files!

Offer ends Wed. at midnight! Purchase at: and send your receipt to for a free copy of Secret Health Files DVD set, worth $150.00

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. Get it free at

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