Subject: ~The Greatest and Most Inexpensive Breakthrough in Sugar Control!!


Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine recently
published their findings on medicinal cinnamon.

Their findings were nothing less than astonishing.

"Cinnamon is one of the most important spices used daily by people all
over the world. Cinnamon primarily contains vital oils and other derivatives,
such as cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid, and cinnamate. In addition to being an
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anticancer,
lipid-lowering, and cardiovascular-disease-lowering compound, cinnamon has
also been reported to have activities against neurological disorders, such
as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases."

It's no surprise that my cinnamon-rich product, Cinnergy, is flying out
of the warehouse at record speeds!

...and people are getting their sugar problems under control in
record speeds, too!

Some are doing it in as little as 12 days!!!!!!!

When I first designed Cinnergy, I announced that it was a life changing
development in sugar control.

That was over a decade ago!

And it hasn't disappointed me...

At the time of it's release, The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) announced that diabetic meds were deadlier than diabetes - Avandia,
Glucophage and insulin.

As a chemist and a young father suffering from a Mountain Dew addiction
and 30% body fat, I put my expertise to work to design a newer, healthier

As a chemist for Eli Lilly, I studied a virtually unknown extraction

One that would potentiate the medicinal compounds found in plant-based
medicines...(Cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid, and cinnamate as noted

Then, I applied it to true cinnamon and the liver protecting plant, milk
thistle, to formulate Cinnergy (Buy it now at!

The results were nothing more than astonishing.

The final product was 3-5 times more powerful than anything on the
market, with no side effects.

As a plant-based product, Big Pharma and the FDA wanted nothing to
do with its small profit margins...

Still, hundreds of people with sugar issues began using Cinnergy
(Buy it now at

Believe it or not, even one dose per week was wildly effective!

Cinnergy was reversing high blood sugar 10 times faster than any

That was over a decade ago.

And ever since, it has helped tens of thousands of people clear deadly
blood sugar from their arteries and their brain - shielding them from
heart disease, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

It also renewed their liver and made it youthful, once again.

The measurable results couldn't be ignored:

- Lower body fat
- More energy
- Plummeting blood sugar
- Lower A1C
- Mega-drops in triglycerides

It doesn't matter how old you are.

It doesn't matter how high your sugar is.

It doesn't matter what meds you are one.

Cinnergy can help you!

That's because it re-sensitizes your body to insulin. Insulin is your
sugar taxi. As your body is exposed to an excess of sugar, alcohol and
artificial flavors, the body is no longer sensitive to insulin. Sugar has nothing to
carry it into the cells for fuel...therefore, blood sugar rises as does A1C and

That's why they sometimes refer to diabetes as insulin resistance!

Fortunately, Cinnergy reverses this deadly condition in weeks...and you
can measure it! Once in your body, the active ingredients begin to force
your muscles to recognize insulin, once again.

That's when muscle cells jump to action and begin using sugar for energy!

Not magic, just science!

Stock up now at and go med free!

Dare to ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. We launched a Case Study video featuring a grandmother who used
Cinnergy to curb her newly diagnosed diabetes threat...Now, Cinnergy is
FLYING out of both warehouses, LA and Chicago. Hurry and get your supply at

P.P.S. Cinnergy works best when taken with -
don't half-ass your health! Make it count! Get both Cinnergy and Whey
Advanced at