Subject: ~The Greatest 4-In-1 Heart Medicine!

I've been fascinated with medicine since I was 14 years old. At 42, that
interest still runs deep. It carried me through college, then graduate
school where I graduated with a masters degree in medicinal chemistry.

The one question that pushed my curiosity was, "where does
the greatest medicine come from?"

Without a doubt, the answer is nature.

For a medicine to be truly effective, it can’t be more dangerous than the
illness it’s trying to treat. Therefore, prescription drugs (made by
man), will never be the panacea most people hope for.

Gone are the days of “First do no harm.”

The growing mortality rates from "following doctors orders" proves it.

Fortunately, and to the surprise of most, you can ditch your meds. This
is especially true for blood pressure pills!

Natural compounds that treat blood pressure were discovered by the same
industry that conceals them - Big Pharma. That’s because the design of prescription
drugs is guided by ethnobotany — the study of plants and their medicinal
relationship to humans. But they've been hidden from you!

When confirmed beneficial by Big Pharma, the active ingredients are plucked
from a “natural product lead” and identified in a lab using state-of-the-art
chemistry methods.

Once the active, natural compound is characterized, the pharmaceutical
industry rearranges a few atoms in hopes of preserving the plant’s
medicinal qualities in their own, newly-created drug. This allows for
patents and monopoly rights to be created, protecting the altered copycat.

Unfortunately, once mixed up, the new pharmaceutical creation comes with
less efficacy and more side effects. Meanwhile, the safer, cheaper and more
effective plant-based predecessor is forgotten, covered up, and simply not
taught in med schools.

The story of the malaria drug artemisinin (derived from naturally occurring
wormwood) is one of the most compelling examples of this industry’s ethos
— endless pharmaceutical theft from nature.

In 1967, founding father of The People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong,
commissioned a secret military project to discover new treatments for

A mosquito-borne illness caused by microorganisms known as Plasmodia,
malaria leads to the destruction of oxygen-carrying red blood cells and
ultimately death.

A massive threat to Mao’s military, Plasmodia developed resistance to
chloroquine and other antimalarial drugs being used at the time. In
response, Mao recruited 600 scientists to overcome the scourge.

The army of scientists used two chief tactics: ethnobotany and organic chemistry.

The same tactic was used by famed chemist Tu Youyou. By analyzing
ancient medical journals and more than 2,000 herbal remedies,
she identified a plant overflowing with antimalarial compounds: sweet

The primary active ingredients were obtained by cold water extraction (tea)
and named artemisinin. It became one of the most successful treatments in
history for malaria.

Further studies used ethyl ether to identify the active ingredient. In her
Nobel Prize Biography she wrote, “On October 4, 1971, we observed that
sample number 191 of the Qinghao ethyl ether extract showed 100%
effectiveness in inhibiting malaria parasites in rodent malaria.”

In 2015, Tu received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine! But her
discovery of wormwood was overshadowed by the pharmaceutical mimics of
artemisinin, namely dihydroartemisinin.

Even today the pharmaceutical stripped-down version of wormwood is proving
worthless in the face of malaria, which is adapting and building
resistance…yet the natural tea remains a true blockbuster capable of
wiping it out!

Your heart and cardiovascular system could learn a lesson here:

Nature also provides the greatest heart medicine.

...and that would be hawthorn, garlic, grape seed extract and magnesium.

All four have been the focus of pharmaceutical theft. Chemists have tried
for decades to duplicate their health wonders, but failed miserably.

Fortunately, all 4 are in my heart blend Cardio FX. For a decade, Cardio FX
has been helping people ditch their BP meds for better cardiovascular health.

Watch your blood pressure plummet naturally and your energy skyrocket!

Learn more at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cardio FX busts risky blood clots, strengthens the heart muscle, increases
oxygen distribution and controls blood pressure. It's a must have for treating
cardiovascular disease AND preventing it! Get it now at

P.P.S. Cardio FX has NO dangerous interactions with meds!