Subject: ~The Fastest Way to Lose 10 Lbs! (Guaranteed)


Who couldn't stand to lose 10 pounds?

This morning I was taking an early flight in my Cessna 206. Grandpa
was upfront and Blair sat in back. Just as we lifted off, we all said,
"I smell gas!"

The Cessna is a high wing plane...and the last thing you want is
fuel draining down your wings into the cockpit or worse, the engine.

We didn't have anymore runway to set it down, so it was going to be a
full takeoff. About 200 ft off the ground, I pulled up my flaps and looked
for any signs of fuel starvation. We were good.

I stayed in the pattern and told the guys that we might have filled up too
much fuel. That can cause a small release and corresponding smell...or
I left the fuel cap off, which meant too many bad things to think about. Plus,
it would be embarrassing. I've never made a stupid mistake as a pilot.

We headed back for landing. On the ground, everything checked out great.
Just a bit of extra fuel causing that dreaded gasoline smell. It's a new
plane so technically, I'm still learning it...

But, as I was checking everything out on the ground, I couldn't help but
notice dozens of pilots crawling into their small planes, who could easily
stand to lose 10 pounds!!!!!

It would make such a difference to ANYONE!

The New York Times gave the public a healthy wake-up call when
they wrote “MORE than half of American women are
overweight or obese, and as they age they are likely to get
fatter and unhealthier."

Obesity is so unhealthy that even losing just a little bit of weight can
save you from the scourge of poor health as you age. The Times
continued to say that even "Small weight losses significantly reduce
the risk of a wide range of illnesses that have been linked to obesity,
from heart disease and diabetes to some kinds of cancer."

Let's face it. Whether it’s 5 pounds or 150, excess weight doesn’t
help anyone...

I've been a medicinal chemist for 25 years. And fat loss has been
my specialty since day one. Early on I learned that the body is its
own best pharmacy. It can produce all the healing compounds it needs
(hormones) to ward off disease. But as weight grows, our own innate
healing ability suffers.

This downward spiral is felt as low energy, then depression then
sugar cravings.

Losing even just 10 pounds can end it...and if you need to lose more,
just keep going!

That's what Greg did with this simple 3-step protocol, which I'll teach you
in a minute...

Greg, wrote: “I have in total lost 120 pounds of fat. I went from a
staggering 40 dress pant size to 32…I went from a XXL to a M or L in
shirt size!”

Nice, Greg!

(Imagine if he had stopped at just 10 lbs.!)

The fastest way to lose 10 pounds is to activate thermogenesis.

Anyone can do this, young or old. Hell, even if you have a sluggish
thyroid or even NO thyroid, you can rely on thermogenesis!

Thermogenesis is the production of heat, plain and simple. That's
right...when you crank up thermogenesis, your body converts excess
fat and calories to heat. It does this thanks to the mitochondria within
your fat cells. Once greasy fat molecules are shuttled into this cellular
furnace, it's burned and released as heat!

That's when pant sizes shrink...and you can do it all for less than $10
per month!

This is no joke...I've been using this protocol for literally 20 years.

Here it is:

1. Take ONE of my yerba mate based fat burners every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday morning (after breakfast) with 16 ounces
of purified water.

Buy it now before I sell out at

2. Ditch the soda and juice as well as the coconut and soy milks.

3. Do my FREE 18 Minute Workout after breakfast Monday, Wednesday
and Friday.

Get it on your phone here:



This simple 3-step protocol has helped tens of thousands of people
chisel out their best physique. Whether you’re looking to lose "the last
10 pounds” or the first 100 pounds, find out how this simple pill works.

Watch the 1-minute video:

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Send me your success story! Let me know how long it took for you to
lose the 10! Stock up now on my yerba mate fat burner at