Subject: ...The Fastest Way to Lose 10-20lbs!

Dear, Friend,

"How can I lose a few pounds, fast?"

I get that a lot.

Whether it’s for vacation, making weight for a jiu-jitsu tournament or
squeezing back into a pair of skinny jeans, people are desperate to shed
those last 10 pounds of stubborn fat.

And it’s a good question.

Forcing your body to shed weight isn’t easy.

I’ve written how even strenuous exercise won’t work.

Hell, I just got back from a Crossfit routine, and while I’m no body
builder, you could at least tell I was ‘fit.’ Most of the other participants
looked like they haven’t worked out in months! Yet, I know for certain
they go regularly...

So why haven’t they lost the extra 10 (or even 20) pounds hanging off

Because their hormones ARE NOT RESPONDING TO EXERCISE!

They might be awake, but their HORMONES ARE SLEEPING!”

If you want to lose the extra weight, it’s all about hormones, not
exercise. And this is true at any age... Just see what Debbie recently
emailed me:

“I am at the end of my first 90 days and I have lost 15 lbs. But I think
I have lost more fat because I can tell I have gained muscle. I am 53 years
old and weighed 152 lbs (that is the most I have ever weighed except while
pregnant) and I am a mother of 4 boys. I now weigh 137 lbs. I have stuck to
your plan and incorporated your book ‘Over-The-Counter Natural Cures’
into my life, and I must say it was a lot easier than I expected. It just
makes so much sense. I just needed someone to give me that first kick in
the pants. Thank-you! I feel sooo much better, physically and emotionally.
Also, your weekly e-mails are of great support and I really look forward to
the next one each week. Just want to say ‘thanks again’.”

Get your hormones back now! To motivate you even more, I'm offering 20%
off at

If you can’t dedicate 90 days, don’t even think about buying this

If you are ready to look and feel your best, let’s go crazy together!
With this program, we work with you to solve the riddle of losing fat...
It’s not as hard as you think.

Get your hormones back now!

And if you want to go to Crossfit, you should. It’s fun. But don’t be
late or they try to ‘police you.’ I think that is ridiculous.

In fact, as long as I’m talking about it, I’ll go ahead and send this
message publicly:

Crossfit gyms who make people do Burpees for being late need to get over
it. Not all of us live our lives around how good we can be at exercise.
We’re busy crushing life outside the gym... And, for the people who
really don’t like to exercise, you are giving them an excuse not to show
up at all... Crossfit is a business, not a sports team. If you wanted one
of those, you should have made the wrestling team in high school.

Now, for the rest of you, stop being hormone wimps and take charge:

Dare to Live Young,

The People’s Chemist