Subject: The FDA, Pink Ribbons and Cancer


Feb. 22, 2011

From the Desk of The People's Chemist 

My main goal as The People's Chemist is to expose those things that prevent you from living your healthiest life. I do this via my Natural Cures Watchdog for FREE so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND! Please join me by FORWARDING this email to your loved ones after you spend 9 minutes reading it. It will shock you. Make sure you're sitting down. Enjoy.

One Nation Under Drugs: Chemist Shows How The FDA is Sabotaging Your Health

By Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison

As a medicinal chemist, I ignored my suspicion that an insidious and deliberate effort to get each and every American hooked on drugs, while at the same time bankrupting them, existed between Big Pharma and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). I enjoyed my work. Drug design paid well and kept me comfortably isolated in a high-tech lab, fully equipped to help me bend and twist matter at will. The last thing I wanted to think of was a plot designed to sabotage health and wealth using my chemistry skills. But over time, experience confirmed my suspicion as fact and revealed something even scarier.

My passion for drug design arose from the miracle of emergency medicine, one of man’s greatest scientific achievements. Sadly though, medicine is no longer exclusive to emergency use. Today it’s being used in a deadly game of profiteering. Herein lies a story of deceit and a chemist’s abandonment of modern medicine.

My suspicion of modern medicine began while I was employed by Eli Lilly to design a new generation of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) drugs, a class which includes tamoxifen and raloxifene. Initially, they were thought to block estrogen receptors and thereby halt breast cancer. As time progressed, it was learned that they were also capable of activating estrogen receptors and boosting cancer growth. The Journal of the American Medical Association recognized this trend and published, “Our data add to the growing body of evidence that recent long-term use of HRT is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and that such use may be related particularly to lobular tumors.”

My task was made clear: Design HRT ‘knock-offs’ that are effective without causing cancer. My attempt to design safer alternatives began with small alterations to the two-dimensional structure of tamoxifen. It was unsuccessful. All chemical cousins acted as cancer fertilizer and after one year, the project was ended. Access to tamoxifen and other HRT meds however, was not.

Despite its ability to inflame cancer, tamoxifen continued to be used as the Gold-Standard in breast cancer treatment. As a young naïve chemist, I was determined to learn how such a dangerous drug could get through the prestigious FDA approval process.

Pink Ribbon Campaign doesn’t Fight Cancer

Tamoxifen was developed by British company Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), whose pharmaceutical division was later spun off as Astra Zeneca. Knowing that “demand drives drug approval,” ICI established National Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Fueled by fear, women worldwide began pushing for more choices in cancer drugs, and in Big Pharma language, that means more drug approvals. Tamoxifen demand was successfully created and expanded every subsequent year thanks to ICI’s self-serving pink ribbon campaign.

But, how did tamoxifen sail past the protective blood-brain barrier of the FDA? A quick lesson in statistical contortionism shows how. Just like chemists manipulate the properties of matter, Big Pharma manipulates studies using “checkbook science.” This allows them to pay for the design and interpretation of clinical trials. Tamoxifen studies were conveniently stopped at five years, the minimum amount of time required for cancer to develop. This successfully hid its cancer causing problem. But just like their pink campaigns, there’s more stink.


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In 1992, tamoxifen evangelist Dr. Bernard Fisher, working for the National Cancer Institute (NCI), received $68 million in federal money to assess whether the drug could prevent breast cancer. In an effort to make tamoxifen appear safe and effective, Fisher failed to report falsified data and enrollment fraud to the NCI, casting further stench over the study and resulting in his termination as director. The smoke and mirrors showed that tamoxifen reduced breast cancer by 50%. In reality, it was an insignificant 1.3%, absolute difference.

Checkbook science isn’t illegal by FDA standards. It’s been going on for over 20 years. Known as the Bayh-Dole Act, U.S law was amended in 1980 to permit flagrant conflicts of interest, ones that allow the industry to design drug trials and hire experts to conjure up favorable results at will.

Only One Study Needed to Get FDA Approval

Once demand was created, and checkbook science in place, the FDA only needed one study to approve tamoxifen in record time – 30 days. They did this by hiring advisors with Big Pharma financial ties to sit on its review committee. Failing to do their homework, only ten percent of the case reports from women enrolled in the tamoxifen trials were reviewed by the committee. But, most alarming to me as a chemist, it was still given a green light as a preventive cancer treatment for healthy women!

Aiming for wealth, not health, Big Pharma hit the financial bull’s eye. As the Gold-Standard for breast cancer treatment today, generic tamoxifen rakes in billions every year with few noticing its “ little cancer problem,” as it became known in our lab.

Big Pharma Pays for Drug Review

I thought I was getting paid well as a new drug chemist; I was driving a brand new PT Cruiser (which my wife hated), had $15,000 in stock options and was offered a $10,000 incentive to buy a new house. Heck, if I was really good, I would get a $4,500 dollar raise after a year, which equated to a weekly burrito at Chipotle, with guacamole (which is extra) and Mountain Dew included.

A closer look at the real drug profits however, revealed I wasn’t even making pennies on the pharmaceutical dollar and neither were the biology researchers. Drug profits were going to the pharmaceutical titans, their shareholders and to the FDA.

Rather than being funded solely by taxpayers, our drug administration is being paid by the very industry it’s supposed to regulate. This is legal—courtesy of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act. Today, the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research at the FDA is dependent on drug companies for nearly half of its funding.

502 Million Children Could Be Fed…

Drug lobbying is another slimy practice that greases the “FDA revolving door,” and blurs the line between the drug industry and the U.S. government. According to a report by the Center for Public Integrity, congressmen are outnumbered two to one by lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry. And many are later put onto the government payroll and vice -versa. Total pharmaceutical lobbying in 2009 came to a whopping $267,893,947, enough to feed 502 million starving African children. Instead, it pays to grease the drug approval pipe-line via 450 lobbying organizations, 1,743 lobbyists, and 1,113 revolvers (congress and senior congressional staffers who revolve in and out of the private and public sectors).

Why Doctors can’t keep up with Safety

Doctors can’t keep up with safety and efficacy of tamoxifen or any other drugs being used today. But this hasn’t changed their prescribing habits. Medical ghost writing, the slimy practice of hiring PhD’s to crank out drug reports that hype benefits and hide negative side effects, has successfully brainwashed most physicians into thinking that “the benefits of drugs outweigh risks.”

Once completed, drug companies recruit doctor’s to put their name on the report as authors. These reports are then published in prestigious medical journals. The dangling carrots for this deceitful practice are money and prestige. Ghostwriters earn up to $20,000 per report and . doctors receive the acclaim of being published. Ultimately, patients get bad drugs disguised as good medicine resulting in carnage like the Vioxx™ body count – 55,000 people died from taking “the safest pain killer,” as it was lauded in ghost written articles.

As deplorable as medical ghostwriting sounds, it’s more common than you might think. Dr. Jeffrey Drazen, editor for the New England Journal of Medicine, insists that he can’t find drug review authors who don’t have financial ties to drug companies. The editor of the British Journal of Medicine admitted that, “We are being hoodwinked by the drug companies. The articles come in with doctors’ names on them and we often find some of them have little or no idea about what they have written.”

The Prescription Drug Leviathan

The conspiracy pays well. Annual global drug profits, if stacked in cash, would occupy two thousand “towers” of bills, each one as high as the Empire State Building. In 2009, global revenues from prescription drugs topped $837 billion, and the United States took the largest bite out of the pharmaceutical pie, consuming $300.3 billion in prescriptions. Big Pharma, with the collusion of the FDA, is now half way to its goal of marketing the entire country into drug dependence. According to a government survey released in 2010, 150 million Americans are taking one or more prescription drugs per month, with 37 percent of those over 60 years old taking five or more.

If John Galt—the noble, fictional scientist in Ayn Rand's novel, Atlas Shrugged — symbolizes the power and glory of the human mind, FDA approval is his biggest threat. Sloppy FDA standards have created a corporate drug leviathan that is robbing every man, woman and child in its path of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This profit pulling monster has no checks or balances, which makes it almost impossible to fight and scary as hell to witness through the eyes of a chemist.

Athletes and Families: Nobody is Safe

Toxic drugs are being consumed daily, as if they were vitamins. Women, adorned in pink ribbons, are asking for tamoxifen by name thanks to cancer “awareness campaigns” founded by its maker. Men are being overdosed with cholesterol lowering drugs. Children are being labeled with psychiatric disorders at breakneck speeds so our tax dollars can get them hooked on drugs even faster. Athletes are being poisoned with drugs disguised as artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose courtesy of energy drinks and sport bars. And soccer moms are unknowingly compromising the health of their families by buying synthetic drugs disguised as multivitamins. And all of this is occurring under the “watchful” eye of the FDA.

Every year, prescription drugs kill more people than the Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq wars combined. And the trend has been going on for about 35 years according to researchers writing in The Journal of the American Medical Association.

As a drug chemist, I had to face the cold, hard facts: Western Medicine has become a billion dollar empire not out of keen science, but rather deceit. The end result has been one nation under drugs, with slavery and sickness for all. This subjugation has set a standard of health in America that is sick care disguised as health care thanks to the FDA.

About the Author

Shane is an award winning organic chemist with a Master’s degree in organic chemistry and the author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures. He has been quoted by USA Today, Shape, Woman’s World, as well as Women’s Health and has appeared on Fox and NBC as a natural medicine advocate. Learn how to take charge of your health with 10 lifesaving supplements for less than $10 by getting his FREE Natural Cures Watchdog at


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