Subject: The Cure to...

Courtesy of

and The People's Chemist

 - The Cure to Being So Damn Fat-

The People's Chemist (c) 2007

America. So damn fat we put chocolate into our health food bars. So damn fat we put sugar into our protein drinks to mimic the taste of Kool-Aid. So damn fat we would spend our last $15.95 on a new book that claims to have the latest and greatest "diet." So damn fat we allow 10% of our children's total caloric intake to be SODA! So damn fat, that being obese has become the norm. And I should know, because at one time I was "so damn fat" nobody thought twice about it, until they witnessed me go from 30% body fat to 9%. Then it was "Wow, you used to be fat!"

My cure to obesity was not a diet. It was not a workout (in fact I grew fat while I was working out). The cure was activating "thermogenesis". Well known in the scientific arena, thermogenesis is rarely if at all spoken about by personal trainers, medical doctors and the public. Instead, these "experts" adhere to the out dated model of fat loss which dictates the following: consume less fat or expend more energy via exercise than you consume. These antiquated models have caused more people to become fat than McDonalds. The cure to obesity is activating thermogenesis.

Understanding thermogenesis is sometimes confusing. But forcing yourself to learn about it offers a HUGE reward - like being skinny, building lean muscle and slowing the aging process. 

What is Thermogenesis? Thermogenesis has been considered your God-given right to be thin. It is the process by which excess calories consumed are converted to heat rather than stored as fat. 
Thermogenesis occurs in fat cells known as Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT).  ANYONE can activate it by following 10 simple habits for fat loss DAY AND NIGHT....

Learn all about it here:

Final note: Recognizing the importance of thermogenesis in losing fat was my number one weapon against growing fatter and finally descending to 9% body fat. For me, activating thermogenesis was my cure to obesity. I'm confident that it is America's cure too.

Next time you consider a fat loss drug from your doctor, a work-out routine from your trainer, or the next fad diet, remember that unless you incorporate the activation of THERMOGENESIS into these approaches to fat loss, it is HIGHLY unlikely that you will EVER lose fat. Thermogenesis is the real secret for sustained fat loss. Activating it should be the agenda of the hour for those considered to be "so damn fat"!