Subject: ~"The Cartilage Grew Back!"...

The People's Chemist
"The Cartilage Grew Back!"...
Joint Repair
For 16 years I've had to field emails and phone calls from mouth-breathing morons claiming, "you can't grow cartilage back."

Without exception, these statements come from little, weak men who insist that, "my doctor told me that cartilage can't grow back…"

Meanwhile, women are growing humans, feeding them and even changing their diapers late at night…

Yes, you can f@#cking grow cartilage back!

And you can do it without the bag of meds your doctor will prescribe.

Here's a recent email to reflect how great it feels to beat arthritis without the drugs:

"I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and started the Plaquenil and Mobic route," writes Laural from Florida (pictured above).

Yikes…Plaquenil is an immunosuppressive drug and anti-parasite.

Mobic is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) — one of the most dangerous categories of drugs on the planet. It has a yearly body count that's bigger than the average American's savings account.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, "It has been estimated conservatively that 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur among patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis every year in the United States."

You're better off just suffering from the pain of rheumatoid arthritis…

"[These drugs] brought some relief…but when my doctor wanted me to add Methotrexate to the mix, I said 'Whoa — no baby chemo for me. I started looking online and found you," says Laural.


Someone who isn't afraid to think…

Luckily, no one needs to suffer from joint pain — especially when there's an EASY NATURAL FIX straight from Mother Nature.

"I found The People's Chemist on the internet while researching how to decrease inflammation — and I am so thankful that I did," writes Laural.

She began using my natural joint formula, Joint FX ( It soothes the joints, erases joint pain, and rebuilds cartilage.

As a chemist, I designed it to have zero side effects.

…her doctors were shocked.

"When I had my X-rays done last year to see if there was any progression…ZERO. My primary doc (since I no longer need my rheumatologist) was baffled. It seems the cartilage in my hand under the thumb had grown back lol!"

That's exactly what Joint FX is designed to do — replenish and rebuild the cartilage in between your joints!

Cartilage is the soft, cushiony material that allows for easy movement. It gets worn down over time, from years of use and abuse. If you don't give it what it needs, then it won't grow….think water for a plant.

"I will never be without Joint FX or Daily Dose ( I've been off the meds now for over 2 years. Most days, there's no pain — after strenuous work, a little. Absolutely love your products. You have made such a difference in  my life. You guys ROCK!"

Thanks, Laural! Congratulations in your recovery. Keep living young!

Want to eliminate joint pain forever?…and save yourself from drugs, side effects, and surgery?

Use! You'll love it!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Joint FX contains no toxic ingredients. Backed by science, it's the best way to keep your joints young and supple for years to come…so you can tackle life on your own terms. Stock up now at!

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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