Subject: The Call Nobody Wants to Get!


It was a Tuesday afternoon. I had just gotten back home from flying my
family to Mexico. My phone rang and I saw that it was my father-in-law.

His doctors told him he had an “enlarged prostate” and high PSA
(Prostate-Specific Antigen). Then they told him what no man ever
wants to hear:

“You have prostate cancer!”

My father-in-law quickly called me to tell me the news.

"I have have cancer, you're the first to know..."

He knew that as a former chemist for the pharmaceutical drug industry, I
know my way around medicine...

I also know when doctors are bullshitting.

Straight up, I told him the truth about prostate meds and PSA:

“Lynn,” I said, “The PSA test is bullshit and taking prostate drugs meds
will kill your manhood. They’ll make you constipated, sick, sore…plus,
you’ll get breast enlargement, decreased sexual libido, and genital
shrinking. Is that what you want?”

“Hell no,” he said.

Look, you're overweight, eat too much sugar and you have inflammation.

That's what the test is telling you...its not a reliable test for cancer!

...It was a short conversation.

Just like that, my father-in-law made a decision that would positively
impact his life forever:

He refused to take prostate meds and instead, followed my simple

Today, 12 Million American men have “prostate enlargement”

…and doctors use this as the perfect excuse to slap them with risky
prostate drugs, or worse, radiation and chemotherapy.

This is total nonsense. As I explain in my book Over-the-Counter Natural
Cures: Expanded, prostate enlargement is NOT necessarily a factor of aging.

Rather, prostate enlargement is usually the result of treating your body
like a dumpster for years and years…i.e., eating bad foods, engaging in
crappy lifestyle habits, and causing your hormones to run amok.

That conversation with my father-in-law was over 8 years ago…Today
he is fit as a horse, med-free, cutting down trees, building log cabins, boating and
fishing and hitting the 18-Minute workout when he has extra energy...

I shudder to think what might have happened to him, had he followed
doctors’ orders.

Luckily, he refused! Instead, he took these 3 natural cures:

- Palmetto + (
- Whey Advanced (
- Daily Dose (

In addition, he went on a no-sugar, high healthy fat diet as outlined in
Over-The-Counter Natural Cures (

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Palmetto + is selling out fast. Be warned. Stock up at WATCH THE SHORT 1-MIN VID!!!!!!