Subject: The Aspirin Alternative that Won't Kill You!

Dear Friend,

Aspirin has been getting beat up in the news.


First, scientists warned that internal bleeding cancelled out any heart
benefits that may come with Aspirin.

Second, news sources highlighted that researchers discovered that it can
lead to blindness.

And just when it looked like Aspirin couldn't take any more hits, it received
its' biggest blow, yet.

The Journal of Urology warned that the risky blood thinner could be the cause of erectile

Against the ropes, Aspirin should have just fallen down. It's maker, Bayer, should've
just thrown in the towel.

Bad habits, die hard. Big profits die harder.

Bayer is fighting back. It has positioned the
pharmaceutical darling as a...Are you ready for this?

Bayer is now touting their synthetic anti-coagulant as a cancer fighter!

Hiring a team of researchers, they got the best results money could buy.
"Daily aspirin use also reduced the risk of progressing to metastatic disease,
particularly in patients with colorectal cancer," has been posted all over the news

If you believe that, I have some beach front property in Iowa to sell you.

It doesn't matter if Aspirin cures cancer, or even poverty! There's no use for riches if you are
blind, can't pleasure your mate, or worse, DEAD!

There is a simple alternative.

Face is, sometimes we need aspirin! But, we don't need the side effects.

That's why I designed Relief FX.

It works, too! And it won't kill you.

Here is a quick testimony from a fan to prove it.

"Hi Shane Thepeopleschemist Ellison I wanted to write and say thanks for Relief FX.
I suffer from chronic headaches and have taken about 100 tablets a month of
(ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin) for more than a decade, however for
the last weeks I have been able to get my self off this addiction and your
Relief FX is great! I feel much better and my headaches are decreasing.
Thanks for your Candour! Cheers! Dennis"

Dennis made a smart decision!

You can too...

Take 1 minute to learn about Relief FX with my short
video that highlights how safe and effective it is...Plus, you'll
learn some more shocking facts about OTC pain killers!


Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist