Subject: The Alternative to Steroids for Back and Joint Pain?


Very few people will trash the OTC pain pills like Tylenol, Motrin and
Ibuprofen. And very few will avoid the cortisone/steroid shots in hopes of
curing their pain....

Most have been clowned into believing that these remedies, especially
steroid shots, are a viable back pain solution…

The Annals of Internal Medicine recently published a review stating
otherwise...just like all the scientific data before it, this latest study is just
more confirmation.

Researchers examined data from 30 placebo-controlled studies of epidural
steroid injections for radiculopathy (back pain that gravitates to the
legs) and eight studies of spinal stenosis (back or neck pain created due
to narrowing of the spinal canal).

The review showed that, when it comes to back pain treatment, steroids are
no better than a placebo.

Plus, evidence showed that steroid injections gave only SHORT-TERM pain
relief. Like snacking on a candy bar for instant gratification…this
“short-term relief” didn’t provide any long-term value.

You might as well inject a placebo into your back…or better, nothing.

Steroid usage comes with a long list of serious health risks…including
tumors in the liver, high blood pressure, nerve damage, rupture of tendons,
severe acne, and being a menace to society. Steroids practically
destroy your brain as well, morphing you into a moody, behavioral mess!

There’s a better, less idiotic way to get rid of back pain.

…and it’s called Joint FX at

Not only does it soothe and eliminate pain fast, Joint FX also rebuilds
cartilage over time. (Must be used consistently for at least 6 months.)
Yes, even your back has cartilage. And that cartilage can get worn away due
to various factors.

Plus, with Joint FX, no spinal injections are needed!

On fan wrote, "Just a quick email to say how pleased I am with your
Joint FX product. I am 67 years old and have had progressive knee pain,
probably arthritis from an injury and tendon surgery about 30 years ago.
I received your product this Monday and started taking 2 pills at noon and
2 more at dinner. I obtained almost immediate improvement. By the
second day I had major improvement. I can now get up and down out of
a chair much better and walk up and down stairs much better."

It's really that effective...I've broken my ankle, collar bone...Had torn ACL's
and MCL's over the years, while also ripping my meniscus to shreds...All it
took was time and to heal back to 100%.

It's as easy as just opening the bottle and taking the pills consistently. Just
swallow and watch as pain disappears. Take before bed and you can
fall asleep pain free.

Joint FX should be $100 per bottle...It has no additives, dyes,
filler or even mag stearate. It's loaded with glucosamine sulfate, not
the crappy glucosamine HCL you find in stores and TONS more natural
ingredients that spark your healing hormones...But it's not...It's not
even HALF that!

Get lasting back pain (and other joint pain) relief here:

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist