Subject: ~That time my plane lost engine power...

That Time I Lost Engine Power...
We were about 4,000 ft above the Mississippi river when my plane started to sputter.  I had just purchased a 1962 Mooney in Tennessee.  Chuck (cowboy hat above) was flying right seat as co-pilot. 

We had anticipated our flight back to Colorado for weeks.  The Mississippi was going to be the highlight.  I had only seen it on a map.  It was nothing like I imagined.

Hypnotized by the vastness of the river, we admired the large swath of water making it's way south.  It was like a continent carving it's way to the ocean, patiently.  A moving, self-containing eco-system, small communities lived symbiotically on its edge.

From my perch, Mark Twain's words came to life in High-Def.  "The Mississippi Valley is as reposeful as a dreamland, nothing worldly about it . . . nothing to hang a fret or a worry upon."

That was until we started losing engine power.  

To my horror, I watched as my propellor began to slow.  I looked down for a place to land.  

We'd never make it shore.  The river looks smooth enough. 

I'm a good swimmer...

I grabbed the yoke to steer my ship to smooth seas.

A rookie, I was out of my league when it came to problem solving in the new bird.

Chuck yelled, "SWITCH TANKS!"

My usual ride was a Cessna.  It has one master tank, no need to switch from one wing to the next.  The Mooney had two.  And the right wing was dry.  Our lifeblood rested on the right side.

Crushing me against my steel cage, Chuck dove to the switch on the pilot's side.  My bird had new life.  

I regained our altitude and put the river behind us. I thanked Chuck for his quick reaction time and we made our way to Arkansas.

Just this morning Chuck called me to say hi.  We had a quick laugh, reminiscing.  

I asked him if he's been flying...sure enough, he's been piloting numerous planes.  But more importantly, he's been flying and playing golf with his 80 year old dad!

That's right.  His dad still captains a Cessna 150.  And he's rocking the golf course.  

Neither of them are on meds.


They both reached out to say, "Thanks...."  "Thanks for Cardio FX."  

Chuck and his father are living young, thanks to hawthorn-rich, life-preserving hawthorn.  It's a must have for total cardiovascular health.  And Cardio FX delivers the most potent, purest hawthorn.  It also has garlic, magnesium citrate and grape seed extract.  

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Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist 

P.S.  Cardio FX is perfectly safe to take with meds, while weaning, if that's what you want to do!  Learn more at 


The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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