Subject: ~That Honey-Sweetened Banana Bread Recipe

The People's Chemist
You Can Enjoy The Holiday's and Still Be Healthy!
Thanksgiving Offer
One of the most popular aphorisms among dessert lovers is, "I wanna enjoy life...

Well, newsflash, healthy people want to enjoy life too.  THAT'S WHY WE DON'T EAT SUGAR!!!!!!!

As the holiday season approaches, I wanted to make sure you were armed with a few things that would allow you to 
enjoy life and live young, not simply offer you a quick gluttonous endeavor that would only have you feeling guilty later...

After all, how the hell are you going to enjoy life if you're lethargic, obese and diabetic from so many sweets?

Every time you or your child eats sugar, you're raising your sugar and insulin levels to dangerous highs.  Glucose, triglycerides and in time, A1C, all skyrocket.

Simple fix, lower your calorie intake and make desserts with honey...more satiating, honey desserts satisfy sooner so you don't eat more later.  Plus, honey doesn't throw your hormones into a dizzying array of confusion like sugar does.

My wife has an amazingly satisfying, honey-sweetened banana bread recipe...She's pictured above.  Mom of 4, she makes this almost weekly for the kids.

A lifestyle of no sugar, coupled to cinnamon rich, Cinnergy and my "sleep like drunken bum" pill, Serotonin FX, are ideal for anyone wanting to enjoy the holiday, without the sugar, stress and poor health that follows.

For a very short time, you can order Cinnergy and Serotonin FX and get the recipe FREE... I'm also tossing in my hardcover, 3 Worst Meds!  Let's face it, in 2019, you're going to want a new life.  And you can't get that until you learn to ditch the meds.

Get that here:

Time to ditch the meds!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy is packed to the brim with milk thistle and cinnamon to ensure sugar control over the holidays, but it also helps protect the liver from excessive alcohol consumption!  Stock up now, enjoy the holiday and live young:

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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