Subject: ~Testosterone OFFER!!! (Natural and it works!)


Just got this email...."Hi my name is Freddy, I purchased a bottle of Raw T
and I really liked the results, Im 48 years old and out of the many things
I have tried this one has been one of the best so far. Every single statement
on your site I have investigated and tried on myself and it has worked on
me and other people that I have referred to you. That's why I will continue
to use your products and recommend to others."

I love hearing about guys boosting their testosterone without heart-attack
inducing gels and other meds doled out by doctors.

...He was using my botanical-based, testosterone primer Raw-T
( And now you can get a huge discount on The Starter
Pack at

Anyone can take this - men or women...even if you're on meds or are
getting off them. Raw-T is harmless and comes with great side benefits
like more energy, better libido and increased focused and better health

It's no secret that men are losing their testosterone...My 15 year old
daughter and wife can out lift most of them - and those are the ones that
are actually in the gym!


Doctors blame the drop in testosterone on age.


That's not the mysterious cause of low-t.

Cholesterol lowering drugs (statins), sugar, artificial flavors and blood
pressure medications are the mysterious causes of low-t...millions of men
right now on these meds have no idea.

Statins reduce the main precursor to testosterone production, ie
CHOLESTEROL! No cholesterol precursor, no testosterone

It's that simple.

Then there's the blood pressure meds.

BP meds increase obesity, which causes more sugar to
float in the blood. In turn, a molecule known as aromatase is produced
that converts testosterone to...are you ready for this? estrogen!

And yes, of course, sugar and artificial flavors do the same.

So, if you want to stop this onslaught of estrogen then
start using Raw-T at

It's the definitive way to raise testosterone and get you off the couch
and into man made in like 7 days. Trust me, I know what I'm talking

Raw-T makes your body more sensitive to the very little testosterone
your body is making while also shutting down aromatase and
triglycerides (the things that lower testosterone). This sets off a chemical
reaction that raises natural testosterone, in time.

It's a beautiful thing...

Am I a doctor? Am I qualified to speak on testosterone?

Probably not by most traditional standards. I'm just a chemist.
I have no "followers" or "friends" on any social media platform...I hate
it all and would rather be lifting, chasing my wife in the bedroom, grappling
or flying my plane, not fucking around on an internet site, trying to
convince people that my way of life is the best...

...I just don't give a shit about making people believe me...

I cuss, too. I had my nipples pierced for about 10 years. I have tattoos.
And when I was in high school, I smuggled steroids across the border
to sell to bodybuilders and wanna-be wrestlers...I'd use it as an excuse
to skip school and drink tequila. Horrible, I know.

(Yet, I still knew more about hormones than most doctors do now...just
ask them about sugar's effect on aromatase and estrogen and watch
their clueless reaction...)

However, since that time, I've used my knowledge of hormones to
get a Bachelor of Science degree and a Masters of Science in
chemistry. For that I was awarded two Howard Hughes Research Awards
and was also graduate student of the year..

I've used this same knowledge of hormone chemistry to help my wife
win the Arnold Classic Amateur, have 4 healthy children at home and
so much more...Heck, I used it to finally lose 30 lbs so I could compete
and win a world title in jiu-jitsu. And guess what? My 15 year
old daughter is top five strongest teen in the US...

I'm only telling you this in full disclosure so you understand that I'm not
some fat ass sitting behind a computer selling you total shit.

This is the real deal. Raw-T works!!!!! I only take it once a week...
some take it less, some take it more. It's all up to you and what your
goals are...

So, if you suffer from dwindling testosterone and lack of
sensitivity and balance, get your shit together with Raw-T at

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Using Raw-T means you can ditch the testosterone gels, which only
ADD to the problem. See the report at