Subject: Tamoxifen: How to Avoid Deadly Chemo

Friday is a great day for a free book excerpt.

From Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded (available at

Long white lab coat, giant safety goggles, rubber gloves, and face mask
were my usual chemist attire when I worked for Big Pharma. I rarely got to
sport my jeans, white T-shirt and black leather wristband. The chemicals I
was dealing with were simply too hazardous and required that I wear as much
protection as possible. Having them penetrate my protective layers could
mean bad news internally. I was designing and making chemical cousins of

Tamoxifen is known commercially as Nolvadex. It’s the gold standard in
chemotherapy for breast cancer. But what a drug does biologically and what
a drug does according to pharmaceutical advertising are often two
distinctly different things.

To my surprise, I learned that the tamoxifen cash cow wasn’t performing
like the industry wanted. Patients who took it were dying from cancer at a
much faster rate than without it. As a medicinal chemist, my job was to fix
the “little cancer problem of tamoxifen.”

Initially, tamoxifen was thought to stop cancer by displacing estrogen, one
of the hormones that helped it grow. As time progressed, though,
researchers learned that tamoxifen acted just like the cancer fertilizer by
mimicking estrogen. The end result was a biochemical environment favorable
to cancer growth among users of tamoxifen. My task was made clear: design
“knockoffs” that are effective (at blocking estrogen) without causing
My attempt to design safer tamoxifen alternatives was unsuccessful. And
after one year, the project was ended. However, access to tamoxifen
wasn’t. It remained on the market. Even today, it’s advertised and
pushed by doctors as a first line of defense against breast cancer. But
science and anyone who’s been unfortunate enough to take tamoxifen can
tell you that this isn’t something you want to swallow in an attempt to
beat cancer.

The National Cancer Institute has recently begun to warn that “tamoxifen
increases the risk of two types of cancer that can develop in the uterus:
endometrial cancer, which arises in the lining of the uterus, and uterine
sarcoma, which arises in the muscular wall of the uterus. Like all cancers,
endometrial cancer and uterine sarcoma are potentially
life-threatening.”113 The risk of these types of cancers triples with the
use of tamoxifen, while other types—such as liver and breast cancer—are
just as likely.

Tamoxifen is so potent that it has been listed as a cancer-causing
substance in the Department of Health and Human Services’ Report on
Carcinogens. This report is a scientific and public health document first
ordered by Congress in 1978 to educate the public and health profes-
sionals about the many cancers induced by chemicals in the home, work-
place, general environment, and from the use of certain drugs!114
This brings me to my third universal cancer truth: tamoxifen is not a safe
option for women battling breast cancer. But don’t expect this failing
drug—or any other chemotherapy agents—to be pulled from the market.
Despite their mustard gas–like toxicity, chemotherapy drugs will continue
to be pushed on vulnerable patients, thanks to what I call “chemotherapy
life support.”


Big Pharma isn’t letting the chemotherapy cash cow get away because
she’s worth about 50 billion bucks annually worldwide. To protect ob-
scene profits earned from dead chemo drugs (those with overwhelming
evidence of risk and ineffectiveness), Big Pharma has designed an inge-
nious “chemotherapy life-support” system. This system deceitfully uses
a five-year survival rate as a cure rate, pays doctors handsomely to enlist
cancer patients into the whirlwind of chemotherapy drudgery, and finally,
encourages early diagnosis to get people ensnared in the expensive
chemotherapy web as soon as possible. In the end, dead drugs survive while
patients die slowly and miserably.

As taught by Joel Kauffman, PhD, professor emeritus of chemistry at the
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia and author of Malignant Medical
Myths, a five-year survival rate is not a cure rate. And using it as such
gives false hope to patients who don’t know otherwise, while putting them
at risk for negative side effects. Doctors writing for the New England
Journal of Medicine illustrated this by highlighting the rarely
acknowledged risk of using anthracycline chemo agents on children. They
warned that “more than 70 percent of children who are treated for
childhood cancer can be cured. For long-term survivors [past five years],
possible late effects of treatment and their consequences for the quality
of life are a major concern.”

The five-year survival rate refers to the percentage of patients who live
at least five years after their cancer is diagnosed. A cure rate refers to
how many cancer patients overcome cancer and live a full, healthy life. The
difference is stark.

Since chemotherapy kills cancer cells—and healthy ones—so quickly, a
five-year survival rate gives the illusion of eradicating cancer. It does
not account for cancer cells that rebound or even for cancer caused by the
drugs after that period. Moreover, chemotherapy side effects are slow and
arduous, and therefore don’t show up within the five years of follow-up.
After this time, Big Pharma looks away while the whirlwind of side effects
are just beginning. In other words, the effectiveness of chemo drugs is
inflated, and side effects are hidden by the five-year survival rates being
used as “cure rates.”

The second life support system put into place is simply paying doctors to
prescribe chemotherapy drugs. Unlike in all other areas of medicine, cancer
doctors are allowed to profit from the sale of chemotherapy drugs. To me,
this explained why doctors were totally unaware of the studies showing that
chemotherapy agents like tamoxifen are deadly: they were being paid to
ignore them!

In 2006, NBC News introduced the world to the shady and unethical practice
of corporate drug dealing. “Doctors in other specialties simply write
prescriptions. But oncologists make most of their income by buying drugs
wholesale and selling them to patients at marked-up prices,” according to
the NBC report. No chemo, no money. In an unspeakable confession from a
corporate drug dealer, Peter Eisenberg, MD, a private physician who
specializes in cancer treatment, said, “The significant amount of our
revenue comes from the profit, if you will, that we make from selling the

Spreading the notion that “early cancer detection saves lives” is the
final part of the chemotherapy life-support system. With millions of people
being scanned for cancer via questionable testing methods, nobody is being
saved. Rather, more people are being put on chemo drugs faster, thereby
increasing negative side effects. Under a regime that
provides ineffective and dangerous drugs, the only point in early detection
is to get into your wallet.

Few people realize that chemotherapy sales are the result of a successful
life-support system rather than the use of successful drugs. This lack of
understanding gets most patients ensnared in the deadly chemotherapy web.

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