Subject: ~TPC: Last Call! (FDA Warnings)

Subject: Last Call for 20% Discount!

I’ve got to pull the plug on our steeply discounted Relief FX offer…

For about 13 years I’ve been selling Relief FX as a natural alternative
to NSAIDS like Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen (Motrin), Aleve and Celebrex.

As many of you know, the quest for a substitute started back when Blair was
born. I needed a pain killer that was safe enough for my wife to take
during her home birth.

Well, she used it and also for two more kids!

The entire family has enjoyed Relief FX to increase our strength in
the gym (block pain to lift more!), halt the soreness, shut down headaches,
and whatever else you could think of that would cause you to reach for an
over-the-counter pain killer (NSAID).

Relief FX has been instrumental in protecting use from NSAIDS…if you
don’t know, here are some warnings from the FDA:

“NSAIDs should be administered at the lowest effective dose for the
shortest duration consistent with individual patient treatment goals.”
“NSAIDS carry significant risk for serious gastrointestinal (GI),
cardiovascular (CV), and renal adverse events.”

“Side effects of NSAIDS included myocardial infarction (MI), stroke,
kidney problems, and GI bleeding…”

“Researchers found that NSAID use was associated with a 3-fold greater
risk for acute renal failure.”

“Much of the literature reports 16,500 deaths annually as a result of
NSAID-induced GI bleeding.”

Can you imagine if a car company or airliner killed that many people every

Why would anyone in their right mind keep it in their medicine cabinet when
they know there’s an alternative like Relief FX?

Save 20% now…order more than $89 worth of product at and I’ll COVER THE SHIPPING!

For me, knowing that anyone in my family can stop pain without messing
up their liver makes Relief FX the most amazing product ever developed by
modern-day chemistry…stock up!

To get it to work faster, you can open the capsules into water and drink.

Get 20% off at


Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Relief FX has zero medication interactions or side effects! Watch
the pain melt away and never fear side effects like internal bleeding or
liver and kidney damage!

Get 20% off now at