Subject: ~TPC CEO: "We don't just sell pills!"

From: Jeff Milano CEO The People's Chemist (TPC)

- TPC Largest Online Retailer of Botanical Medicine
- 10 Years as CEO
- Bachelors Degree in Finance
- Company Goal: Help You Ditch the Meds to Live Young

Have you ever wondered what we do at The People’s Chemist?

We don’t just sell pills. Founded by award-winning Chemist and author,
Shane Ellison M.S., we have been helping people live young for
more than a decade.

Our product is not what you might think.

Every company has a final “product.” Some, you can touch — like
jeans, a chair, or a car.

Some you can experience — like a hotel stay, a charter fishing trip, or
exercise at a gym.

Some are services, like accounting, legal help, or physical therapy.

At The People’s Chemist, our final product isn’t pills…

Our final product is giving you more youthful energy so you can
live your best life.

You and your health are our real products.

The books and supplements are just tools to help you get there.

If we can free you from the grips of western “medicine” (and all the
bad side effects that come with it)…then we’ve done our job. well as the fearful propaganda surrounding scary viral threats.

For instance, did you know there are viruses all around you?

As taught by The People's Chemist, "a virus is nothing more than a stubby
segment of atoms that are so fragile that the skin's acid pH of 5 or even
a soap bubble can demolish them on site. There are hundreds, thousands,
maybe even hundreds of thousands in your nose, right now!"

See, they're not a threat. And when we do get sick from them, it's because
our own protective mechanisms were down or the virus had a very strong
coating that protected it, and allowed it to infect us.

Regardless, you're more likely to die from a prescription med than you
are a virus! Believe that!

See, that's how we operate - through education!

And, if you don’t get healthier by taking our botanical medicines…then
we’ve failed.

We’re all about helping you achieve your health goals — not just
selling you pills.

We’ll leave that to pharmaceutical companies. They could care less about us,
our lives, our families, and our dreams to share more birthdays and
vacations with our loved ones.

What’s the motive for a multi-billion dollar industry peddling poisons
with dangerous side effects?

It’s no secret. And it’s not a conspiracy.

Their actions boil down to one motive:


Just look at how they treat you outside of the doctor’s office.

Do they call you to see if you have questions about a certain pill?

Do they offer you any help or encouragement…beyond the 5-minute, rushed
intake that’s all about getting you on meds?

Do they advise you on anything, even if you’re not one of their

When you email them, do you get back a real, honest response? Or a robotic,
canned one?

Do they have books that teach you how to be healthy without meds?

…Or are you left wondering if anyone at the drug company even cares about

Yes, it’s important for any business to be economically viable. Just
because a business is profitable doesn’t mean it’s evil.

Your accountant has to be viable to keep providing a valuable service and
stay in business.

It’s a question of value.

What value does a company bring to you?

TPC strives to help you figure out how to start exercising. We ensure that
you know how to use our natural products for maximum results.

We encourage you to get out and live your life… to compete in something
you’ve always dreamed of.

We help get you that extra edge, as an athlete.

Our customer support fields all kinds of questions. From what to eat for
breakfast to how to train for a bike race.

We can even help your dog. Dogs are part of the family. We want everyone in
your family to lead a healthier, more active lifestyle at any age, without
meds. (See Joint FX for pets at

Our purpose is to help you ditch the meds and synthetic vitamins, and live
a healthy, active lifestyle.

We do this by providing you with safer, natural solutions that empower you
to cure yourself and stay off the pharmaceutical merry-go-round.

I think that’s one of the most valuable things anyone can do.

Let me know what you think by responding back.

As the CEO, I can tell you if you want to live a healthier, more active
lifestyle… then you’ll need to recover from your activity quickly.

And has been a godsend for fast recovery.

Greens play a vital role in the diet. They flood the body with nutrients
needed for immunity, detoxification, energy, and recovery.

They feed your cells at a deep level. And you can FEEL IT!!!!

Remember that the next time you get an email from The People’s Chemist.

He’s not just trying to sell you one more bottle of pills…

We want you to ditch the meds and synthetic vitamins, so you can live young.
Without real health, you have nothing!

Stay healthy my friends,

Jeff Milano
CEO The People’s Chemist