Subject: ~TPC CEO: Sold Out Alert!

CEO: Sold Out Alert!

As a child, I was raised on formula. The doctor convinced my mother it was
superior to breast milk.

Without a doubt, this was the catalyst for decades of diet abuse - donuts
and coffee for breakfast, granola bars for lunch, a big bowl of pasta for
dinner and Italian pastries for dessert.

It took years to fix...

I wish I was kidding… but I’m not. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is
aimed at addicting you to carbs and sugar…

Today, we are visiting Grammy’s house…and of course, my wife and I have
to do all the shopping. Not much has changed. It's sugar everywhere...

It’s a mine-field for my 3 yr old daughter.

I’m just the CEO here at The People’s Chemist. I’m not a chemist or a
doctor. What I know, I’ve learned from reading the books by The
People’s Chemist. And the biggest take-away from the books is that the
US is suffering from a major nutrient deficiency and sugar overdose!

Think about that!!!!!

The People’s Chemist writes that the way to optimal health is via
“nutrient logic.” When you ditch the sugar and give the body the nutrients
it needs, healing becomes automatic!

And that’s where The People’s Chemist Essential Greens comes to the
rescue! Essential Greens provides all the greens you need, straight from
the farm!

Our new best seller, Essential Greens will be sold out in 2-4
days, based on current sales.

Essential Greens is the most INEXPENSIVE product on the market and the
PUREST! It serves up large doses of farm fresh vegetables, free of all
pesticides, insecticides and herbicides!

Greens don’t need to be expensive. If you use Organifi - you’re getting
ripped off! And over 10% of each Organifi scoop is SUGAR!

Think about that…all other brands of greens products are served with the
WORST possible ingredient for your health - SUGAR!!!!!!

Essential Greens also has probiotics!

Have you ever been on meds? How about antibiotics? Painkillers? Do you have
a glass of wine or a beer or a cocktail once or twice a week? Join the

All of them KILL the beneficial gut flora - probiotics.

Essential Greens has you covered there, too!

Want Essential Greens?

You have 2-4 days to stock up.

Visit to get your Essential Greens!

To your health,

Jeff M.
CEO The People’s Chemist