Subject: ~Superbug a threat?

According to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there's a dangerous superbug spreading throughout the United States.

Scientists are calling it the "phantom menace."

This superbug's strains belong to the family of bacteria known as CRE, which are difficult to treat because they're usually resistant to most antibiotics.

A strain is simply a genetic variant or subtype of a micro-organism (e.g., virus or bacterium or fungus).

CRE bacteria (which stands stands for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae) can be deadly, killing as many as 50% of patients who become infected, according to the CDC.

Health officials deem CRE among the nation's most urgent public health threats.

The phantom menace is apparently quite crafty. Unlike more common types of CRE, it contains a plasmid, or mobile piece of DNA, with an enzyme that breaks down antibiotics. That's like throwing acid on antibiotics, dissolving it into a useless pile of mush.

Plus, the bacteria even has the ability to move the plasmid to the NORMAL, healthy bacteria in our bodies - making it all the more deadly.

In other words, these CRE bacteria can bring antibiotic resistance into our bodies.

When that happens, you're pretty much screwed.

"This is a tricky drug-resistant bacteria, and it isn't easily found," says CDC Director Thomas Frieden. "What we're seeing is an assault by the microbes on the last bastion of antibiotics."

This superbug is basically launching an attack on antibiotic medications, rendering them ineffective. (They were already ineffective to begin with, as I've written about many times on blog.)

So you can't rely on antibiotics to do shit.

As per usual, the news wants you to hear this information and be terrified.

For example, Washington Post says: "Experts warned that the latest development was frightening. ‘History shows that these mobile resistance genes can spread around the world quickly, silently riding in people, animals and food,' said Lance Price, director of the Antibiotic Resistance Action Center at George Washington University's Milken Institute of Public Health, in a statement."

The chances of you actually catching this "dangerous superbug" are less than the chances of you winning the lottery three times in a row.

According to the CDC, there were 43 patients in 19 states with this type of CRE superbug between June 2010 and August 2015. For a planet filled with 7 billion people, these numbers barely represent a tiny, microscopic dot in the population.

While the masses succumb to fear of this superbug, savvy People's Chemist fans will be stocking up on Immune FX - my safe natural supplement designed to bolster the immune system naturally. []

Those who bother to give their immune system what it needs to be strong, will even FURTHER lower their chances of catching some unwanted illness.

So whether you get sick largely depends on your own laziness (or not) - will you give your immune system what it needs to be strong? Or not?

People forget the human body is an amazing machine designed to heal itself. That trumps all else.

But citizens of "One Nation Under Drugs" have been hypnotized and pummeled into believing the body needs drugs - like antibiotics.

The truth is, the body can HEAL ITSELF naturally - but not if you're starving the immune system of vital nutrients.

Andrographis paniculata and coriander are two SAFE ingredients from Mother Nature that are notorious for helping the immune system get stronger. They've been proven to put immune activity into overdrive to favor eradication of foreign invaders.

By feeding these powerful ingredients to your immune system, you virtually wipe out all threats.

(Immune FX contains the most potent forms of andrographis paniculata and coriander:

One TPC fan said, "Shane once saved my life from pneumonia with his recommendation of an herb that had no side effects, and which let me throw the antibiotics down the toilet. Now I take it all the time. And since that toilet flush, I have no more of the acid reflux that always results from the antibiotics killing the good bacteria. Thanks, Shane, and keep telling us what you REALLY mean in a city where no one else does."

Now that antibiotics are becoming even more useless, courtesy of CRE bacteria, why put your health in the hands of ineffective drugs?

Try Immune FX [] and use it to strengthen your immune system's inborn ability to fight foreign invaders.

Dare to live young,

Shane Ellison

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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