Subject: Sunday: 3-Pack Special to Stop the "Clot Shot"

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk
Stop Sudden Cardiovascular Death from "Clot Shot"
From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.
Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry
  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young
  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more
As of today, there have been about 35,000 deaths voluntarily reported to the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) during COVID.

The FDA estimates that the number represents only 10% of the real total, as many deaths from shots go unreported...

No surprise, Pfizer wants to hide its vaccine trial data for 75 years...

Search "sudden death" on Google on any day of the week and you'll scroll new headlines for days...athletes, teachers, meteorologists, comedians, and children dropping dead.  

And from what?

Heart attack, myocarditis, stroke and aggressive blood cancers have been the top killers, jumping 300%!

The British Medical Journal cried out, highlighting, "Record long waiting lists, ambulance delays, and inaccessible care have driven a surge in excess deaths involving heart disease."

Heart Disease is the hardening and narrowing of the arteries. It’s an inflammatory response initiated by damage to the inner lining of your arteries - the endothelium. 

It has nothing to do with your cholesterol levels!  NOTHING!

What's causing the damage?  

Sugar for one...but also, the wanton use of Western Medicine - aspirin, blood pressure meds and the new mRNA shot, commonly called "clot shots."  

Death by heart disease has jumped 300%!

Science News sounded the alarms on the blood pressure drug, Adalat (nifedipine), warning that it is "associated with an increased risk of out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest."

A study published in the British Medical Journal reviewed more than 8,000 reported cases of myocarditis from 46 studies among those who had COVID-shots. 

It confirmed that "myocarditis is highest among young males shortly after a booster, and are probably higher after Moderna’s mRNA vaccine and Pfizer’s!

Nature issued findings from Israel that showed, "causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals."

The "cure" has officially become deadlier than the illness!  

In medicine, they call it iatrogenic death - death by advancement in medicine and overuse/error.

Analyzing medical death rate data, Johns Hopkins calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S. Their figure, published May 3 in The BMJ, surpasses the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's third leading cause of death—respiratory disease, which kills close to 150,000 people per year.

But not before billions of dollars are made...

Watching this trend up close, I walked away from a career as a medicinal chemist two decades ago.  

As a dire warning, I wrote 3 Worst Meds.  

Not only does it highlight the most dangerous medications, but also discloses the NATURAL ALTERNATIVES!

And, there's absolutely no catch! It's 100% FREE!  You can now read it online and share it with your friends and family!

Save yourself!

Dare to live young, 

The People's Chemist

P.S.  Protect your endothelium! You can start protecting yourself from sudden death, RIGHT NOW with hawthorn-rich Cardio FX.  I developed this two decades ago as an alternative to all heart meds!  Bullet-proof your heart and arteries from high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack!  Click here now and get a huge discount with my 3-Pack Special!
Time To Ditch The Meds!
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