Subject: ~Subway Lied to You! And So Did….

Subway recently announced it would be removing all artificial ingredients
from its menu by 2017, including all artificial flavors, colors and

Like typical sheep, people celebrated.

"Wahoo!!! Victory!!! The fast food world is getting better!!"

The only problem is…Subway has been LYING to people for years, and
no one seems to care.

Their damn motto was "Eat Fresh!"

Remember that?

What part of "Eat Fresh" includes artificial flavors?

Did they mean, "Eat Fake?"

For years Subway profited big time by convincing people they were "eating
fresh." Customers were using their faces to attack these "natural"
sandwiches around the clock. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were prime time
for choking down fresh, artificial crap.

...I don't buy the hoopla. I have a brain. I use it.

If Subway was a person, they'd be the abusive boyfriend who
promises to change. But instead, just comes up with more manipulative
ways to control you.

Partners in crime, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut are cut from the same cloth.
Both announced that they would be using "natural alternatives" like real
black pepper instead of synthetic ingredients.

I don't know what's worse...Corporate criminals or the morons who allow
this SH#t.

Fact: They're merely jumping on the "no artificial ingredients" bandwagon
because that's what consumers want to hear — not
because it's the right thing to do.

Besides, there are so many other things wrong with fast food that pulling
anything out isn't going to help it...

"We're really proud of all the work we've done," said Elizabeth Stewart,
who calls herself "director of corporate social responsibility" at Subway.
"This is an ongoing thing for us."

Uhhh…actually no, lady, corporate social responsibility hasn't even begun
with Subway. Stop abusing your customers. Sell them what you say you
sell them.

It's just like when Pfizer — the giant drug company that makes Centrum
Multivitamins — was caught putting deceptive labels on its Centrum

It was only AFTER the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)
threatened Pfizer with a nasty lawsuit that the drug giant did the right
thing by removing the false claims from their products.


Give me a bat so I can hammer away at Corporate America.

Whether it's Subway…or some other dorky fast food place…or drug
companies promising to make their supplements "healthier" and more
"natural," 9 times out of 10 they're just telling you what you want to

Pfizer's Centrum brand of multivitamins generates $1 billion in sales each
year, only because consumers are still falling for the scam that these
products are "healthy."

Get real. If Centrum was unhealthy to begin…then you know you're dealing
with a huckster who's likely to never change. Adjusting the label won't
make the product any healthier.

On the other hand, Daily Dose has NEVER had any artificial ingredients in
it. See

From day 1, Daily Dose was designed to be completely natural — not "fake
natural." There's no Frankenstein chemicals, no artificial flavors, colors,
sweeteners, or preservatives in it — NOTHING. No soy, no magnesium
stearate, no titanium dioxide. No maltodextrin.

There will NEVER be anything artificial in it.

Artificial does not belong in the human body. Period.

As The People's Chemist, I have a policy that all products I sell will
bring measurable, repeatable results based on solid science — or else I
won't sell it. Simple.

All ingredients in Daily Dose [ ] have been
scientifically proven to be safe and beneficial for the human body.

For example, curcumin (one of the ingredients in turmeric — found in
Daily Dose) has been shown to be effective at protecting against cancer.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) wrote: "Laboratory studies have
shown that curcumin interferes with several important molecular pathways
involved in cancer development, growth, and spread."

When it comes to what you put in your body, you have full control.

Give your body Daily Dose [ ], and rest knowing
you're truly doing the healthy thing.

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Subway's motto, for years, has been "Eat Fresh" when it should have
been "Eat Fake." Now people are CELEBRATING because Subway says it will
remove artificial ingredients from its menu by 2017? Why wait to protect
your customers from cancer, heart disease and obesity? F#$k them and their
BS marketing. Ask yourself if that's the type of company you really want to
give your money to...I wonder how many kids Subway buried with cancer.