Subject: ~Straight talk: They're lying about thimerosal!


I was 7 years old when I got into my first fight...

It was over vaccines.

My dad was a dutiful Army Officer.

Born in Germany, I was vaccine-free up to the age of 7.

Growing up, he was based at Ft. Hood, TX.

On that fateful day, my mom picked me up from school. I was excited
to go for our regular milk shake. Not on that day. I was informed
that we were off to the doctor for a "check-up."

No waiting, we were taken directly down the sterile halls into our waiting
room...Something was fishy. My bullshit meter was going off...

The doctor came in cheerful and comforting. The needle came out
and he read his script like a skilled actor.

"We're just gonna give you a quick prick so you can be sure not to get sick."

In flash, I knew that wasn't going to happen...Every way to escape flashed
through my mind. Only one was gonna work: I was going to have to physically
protect myself...

It was on...I insisted that "I don't like needles and didn't ask for a shot."

The doctor ignored me and rubbed the cooling cotton swab on my arm.

It went from "zero to 60 in a split second." I was kicking, screaming and pushing
him away with everything I had. I raised hell.

My mom sat there in disbelief. He called the nurse.

With the strength of a mom lifting a car off her baby, I was letting nobody
get ahold of me...It was a "barn burner." Hands and feet flying, I was screaming.

My mom stopped the entire thing and said, "I'll bring him back next week
after he calms down."

When I heard that I knew I had one.

They let us go...and mom didn't bring me back lol.

Interestingly, I became a chemist only to find out that they're
still lying about vaccines and thimerosal.

Thimerosal is a mercury-containing organic compound (i.e., a preservative).

(And yes, it was in vaccines then, and still is now despite the headlines
saying otherwise.)

It serves as an antiseptic and antifungal agent in select vaccines,
especially the flu vaccine in the US. But is thimerosal safe for humans to
inject into their bodies? As a father of four, I wondered about
this over 17 years ago when we had our first child, Lily.

What the FDA says about Thimerosal

The Centers of Disease Control (CDC) and the FDA insists that thimerosal is
safe when used in doses found in vaccines. (1) Taking a pragmatic approach
over a scientific one, the status quo insists, “The active form of
mercury [thimerosal] in vaccines is different than that found in
contaminated fish,” and “only in trace amounts.”

True. But both forms of mercury are toxic. (2)

These government agencies also parrot The American Academy of Pediatrics
who chirp, “The continued benefits of thimerosal use in vaccine
manufacturing clearly outweigh any perceived risks.” (3)

But, you can’t make informed decisions about thimerosal based on these
ridiculous statements. Parents who do are in for a wake-up call. A lifetime
of unimaginable pain, suffering, isolation, and madness are lurking nearby
for those who choose to play roulette with the silvery sludge.

What’s Being Hidden about Thimerosal

The last entity to fund a thimerosal study in the United States was Eli
Lilly, back in 1929. They’re not even a health agency; they’re a
pharmaceutical drug company. That hardly offers proof of safety and
efficacy. And, their test churned out horrific results, showing that 100%
of the kids jabbed with trace amounts of Merthiolate — the trade name for
thimerosal — died from meningitis.

How could that possibly be considered safe?

Meanwhile, the Pharma-funded authors (using ghostwriting) still
concluded that there was no causal association between mercury in vaccines
and harm. (4) Future court documents revealed, “Upon closer inspection,
however, it is apparent that Lilly Scientists, deliberately withheld facts
and, in doing so manipulated and distorted their conclusions, leading to
corruption of published scientific literature concerning thimerosal.”

In time, the devastating effects could no longer be ignored. On January 5,
1982, the FDA published its notice of proposed rule-making regarding
thimerosal. Their scientific panel’s opinions and recommendations were
the culmination of five years of research concerning the potential hazards
and safety of thimerosal. (5) Published in the Federal Register, the panel

“At the cellular level, thimerosal has been found to be more toxic for
human epithelial cells in vitro than mercuric chloride, mercuric nitrate,
and merbromim (mercurochrome).”

“Exhibit 34 (Exhibit ELI-512). The FDA specifically found that thimerosal
was significantly more toxic for living tissue than it was for the bacteria
it was supposed to kill.”

“It was found to be 35.3 times more toxic for embryonic chick heart
tissue than for staphylococcus aureus [top killer in hospitals today].”

“The Panel concludes that thimerosal is not safe for [over-the-counter]
topical use because of its potential for cell damage if applied to broken
skin and its allergy potential.”

The FDA’s findings clearly should have settled the matter — that
thimerosal is not safe for humans, let alone children, to use.

How Much Thimerosal Are Kids Getting?

In 2001 the pharmaceutical industry promised removal of thimerosal from
vaccines. Sadly, it’s still lurking in select shots. The irony of
promising to remove a “safe” preservative is proof that thimerosal is
risky. If you need more, a little math goes a long way.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s acceptable dose for mercury
is 0.1 microgram per kilogram of body weight, per day. Running simple
conversions, this means a 10-pound baby who gets jabbed with a
thimerosal-rich vaccine receives an insurmountable 55 times the safe upper
limit for mercury exposure. For an adult giving the same injection,
that’d be four times the safe supper limit!

Pleading for thimerosal removal, Congressman Dan Burton wrote to the
Secretary of Health and Human Services to make his case. He insisted,
“During a review required by the Food and Drug Modernization Act, it was
learned that infants receive more mercury [from thimerosal] in the first
six months of life than is considered safe according to federal guidelines.
For a twelve-to-fourteen month old child receiving vaccines on the
Universal Childhood Immunization Schedule as they are typically delivered
(four to six shots in one doctor visit), they may receive forty or more
times the amount of mercury than is considered safe according to
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines. The EPA guidelines were
confirmed to be accurate through an independent evaluation conducted by the
National Research Council (NRC).”

If you read the vaccine package inserts, the danger of thimerosal becomes
even more apparent. The DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) vaccine
maker Sanofi Pasteur warned, “A review by the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
found evidence for a causal relation between tetanus toxoid and both
brachial neuritis and Guillain-Barré syndrome [pain and loss of nerve and
motor function].”

Makers of the Tripedia vaccine for DTaP (which is rich in thimerosal)
stated, “The vaccine is formulated without preservatives, but contains a
trace amount of thimerosal [(mercury derivative), (≤0.3 µg
mercury/dose)] from the manufacturing process.”

Certain negative outcomes are so frequent that the manufacturer had to list
them in a public warning:

• Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
• Anaphylactic reaction
• Cellulitis (a bacterial skin infection)
• Autism
• Convulsion/Seizures
• Brain dysfunction
• Low muscle tone and strength
• Nerve damage
• Hyperventilation/apnea

In his extremely well-researched book Thimerosal: Let The Science Speak:
The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury—a Known
Neurotoxin—from Vaccines, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. showed there’s more
global scientific muscle power than what it took to build the space station
proving that thimerosal is ruining the health of our nation. And yet, with
unconstrained malice and well-calculated schemes, Pharma continues to
profit by selling cheaper, mercury-rich vaccines in 40 other countries.

Once the country’s citizens are riddled with shots, research shows that
continents like Africa, as well as citizens living by the Amazon river, are
forever scarred from neurological damage.

You can't be on meds (vaccines, included) and healthy at the same time.
Want to boost immunity and protect your family from modern day medicine?

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Here are the references:

1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Thimerosal in Vaccines.
October 27, 2015.

2. Kathleen Stratton, Alicia Gable, and Marie C. McCormick, Editors,
Immunization Safety Review Committee, Board on Health Promotion and Disease
Prevention. Immunization Safety Review: Thimerosal – Containing Vaccines
and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. ISBN: 0-309-56573-1, 136 pages, 6 x 9,

3. AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 1999. Thimerosal in vaccines—An
interim report to clinicians. American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on
Infectious Diseases and Committee on Environmental Health. Pediatrics 104(3
Pt 1):570–574.

4. Madison, James H. (1989). Eli Lilly: A Life, 1885–1977. Indianapolis:
Indiana Historical Society. p. 65. ISBN 0-87195-047-2.

Powell HM, Jamieson WA. Merthiolate as a Germicide. American Journal of
Hygiene 1931;13:296-310.