Subject: Stop pain naturally, in minutes!

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Stop The Pain Killer Madness!

Been reading the news?  Tylenol and other OTC pain killers are in the news again for their toxic side effects.  

Pediatric pulmonologist Dr. John McBride told NPR that he was “stunned” when he looked more closely at research about the impact of acetaminophen, such as Tylenol, and asthma.

“The more acetaminophen somebody takes, the more likely it is that
they have asthma,” he says. “Also, there’s an incredible consistency.

Natural Pain Killer Really Works!  Strong Enough For NFL, Safe Enough for Mom and Baby.

The last thing any mother wants to do is put her baby at risk – even if it means 9 months of sleepless nights.  With so many risks associated with common pain killers like aspirin, Advil and Tylenol, most moms are forced to endure the pain.  That’s one reason why I created Relief FX.  I wanted Moms to have safe and effective pain relief without the worry.

And as one California Mom proves, IT WORKS!

Pain Relief for Perfect Night’s Sleep

"My lower back would ache from pregnancy and prevent me from falling asleep at night.  Mornings were miserable.”

"After taking 2 Relief FX right before bed the pain totally dissipated as I rested on my pillow – it really worked! As the pain lifts, I fall asleep beautifully and my life is WAY better the following morning.”

"Sometimes, I'll wake up half way through the night as it wears off, and have a slight ache, and I'll take 2 more and doze off to Dream Land once again, and wake up refreshed and healthy. Thanks TPC! "



Crush Pain in 16-Minutes or Less, Without Risking Your Health: Save 15% when you add 3 bottles to your cart!

Nature’s Pain Cure Strong Enough for Football Players, Perfect for You

Everyone has some type of pain.  Whether it’s is a headache, a sore joint or surprise muscle pain getting out of bed, it can strike at any time.

Using Mother Nature’s pain cures, you can melt these pains quick, without ruining your health, even if you are a football player suiting up for the Super Bowl.

Mother Nature’s pain cures found in Relief FX have been used safely for thousands of years. You’re here today likely because your ancestors used it during their pregnancy when popping an Aleve simply wasn’t an option.

Earning the Trust of Mothers

I designed Relief FX with you in mind. It’s actually the ONLY all-natural pain-melting compound of its kind. That’s how I’ve earned the trust of mothers from around the world.

You don’t have to take it everyday to ward off pain; only when you have pain. And Relief FX works so fast; you’ll be back on that beach in dreamland, before you even remember taking it.


Crush Pain in 16-Minutes or Less, Without Risking Your Health:
Save 15% when you add 3 bottles to your cart!

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at