Subject: ~Stop eating this!

Soy was never supposed to be a food.

It was cultivated centuries ago in Asia, because dietary sources of protein
were scarce and people were starving. In ancient China it was called,
“the poor man’s cow.”

Unknowingly, indigenous people reduced many of the anti-nutrients and
phytoestrogens (plant-based compounds that mimic the hormone estrogen) via
the fermentation process. However, most Americans today eat unfermented soy
products, such as soy milk, soy yogurt, chips, cheese, edamame, tofu,
veggie burgers, soy flour in breads and some protein shakes. It is also an
ingredient in many “energy” bars and frozen dinners (as hydrolyzed, isolated or
concentrated soy protein).

In this form, soy protein liberates free amino acids such as glutamate, an
excitotoxin that can cause food cravings.

Even if you think you are not eating soy – there is a very good chance
you are, unless you know what to look for. Processed foods hide it on the
label by calling it other things, like texturized vegetable protein. You
should avoid processed foods anyway, but in the rare circumstances where
you do eat processed foods, avoid soy products at all costs.
Most soy found in the food supply is genetically modified. But that’s not
the only reason to avoid this Franken Food. In fact, not even organic
varieties of soy are fit for human consumption.

Soy contains “anti-nutrients”, including phytates and oxalates,
chemicals that interfere with the absorption of important minerals such as
zinc and calcium. Other “anti-nutrients” include enzyme inhibitors
which interfere with protein digestion and can eventually damage the

Soy products also contain compounds which feminize the body and break down
muscle. And it is a powerful goitrogen, which means it can significantly
slow down the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Soy, and other plants, are poor sources of protein as they are low in
certain essential amino acids. Now, consider that soy is the protein source
in most baby formulas. In other words, formula-fed babies start out life
drinking a cocktail of poor quality protein, powerful estrogen-mimicing
compounds and dangerous enzyme inhibitors.

Most people have no idea how to best shown by their eagerness to
jump on every fad diet that hits social media.

If you're over 18, it's time to grow up and eat right.

Learn more at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist